Hayots Ashkhar Daily
June 25, 2008
"Freedom House" authoritative international law organization yesterday
published its report on "Transitional Countries", by which they give
9 digit score to each state's "electoral process", "civil society",
"independent press", "governing", "state democratic governance",
"local democratic governance", "independence of the legal field",
"corruption" and "democratic units".
"Freedom House" gives scores by 1-7 scale, "1" is the highest
positive score and "7" is the lowest negative score. In case of
Armenia the highest score was given to the "civil society" - 3.50,
"the interdependence of the legal field" - 0.25 units' retreat, and
"electoral processes" - 0.25 units' progress.
Hayots Ashkhar Daily
June 25, 2008
"Freedom House" authoritative international law organization yesterday
published its report on "Transitional Countries", by which they give
9 digit score to each state's "electoral process", "civil society",
"independent press", "governing", "state democratic governance",
"local democratic governance", "independence of the legal field",
"corruption" and "democratic units".
"Freedom House" gives scores by 1-7 scale, "1" is the highest
positive score and "7" is the lowest negative score. In case of
Armenia the highest score was given to the "civil society" - 3.50,
"the interdependence of the legal field" - 0.25 units' retreat, and
"electoral processes" - 0.25 units' progress.