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Armenia In PACE

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  • Armenia In PACE

    18:01 26/06/2008

    Yesterday the Commission of the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of
    Europe has affirmed the document on "fulfillment of PACE Resolution
    N1609 by Republic of Armenia". By the majority voting for this document
    Armenia is not deprived of its right of voice and is given extra time -
    till January of 2009 to implement the previous and new recommendations.

    On June 23 certain requirements were directed to Armenia and Armenian
    delegation has presented 23 objections and 5 more objections have been
    presented by other delegations of the Commission. It is important to
    remind that according to the preliminary recommendation package it was
    required to set free those arrested accused by articles 300 and 225
    of the Criminal Code, and to authorize A1+ with broadcasting license,
    to assure practical guarantees for holding meetings, and a range of
    other distinct requirements.

    Though PACE has accepted the main part of the recommendation, they
    have avoided to set rough requirements. After some specifications
    were made in the formulations, it became possible to differentiate
    those arrested accused of being active participants in the meetings
    from those who gave commands. The Monitoring Commission authorized
    the Commissioner of Human Rights of the Council of Europe Thomas
    Hammaberg to make a report on political arrested people in September.

    Besides the Commission was certain in its requirement to Armenia to
    announce amnesty for those arrested who did not commit murders, but
    finally the requirement has been changed into recommendation. AS for
    another requirement to provide broadcasting license to A1+, it has
    been exchanged by the recommendation to hold fair and transparent
    tenders when providing licenses.

    The only member of opposition in the Commission Raffi Hovhannisyan has
    refused to take part in the sessions of PACE commenting that as Armenia
    does not correspond to international standards he would not be willing
    to participate. To this statement John Prescott the co-rappeurter of
    the Commission exoressed his view point that "It is easy to make an
    announcement and to leave but it is needed to continue the work".