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Christian Ministries Reeling In Jordan

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  • Christian Ministries Reeling In Jordan

    By Julia Duin

    The Washington Times
    March 2, 2008 Sunday

    Evangelicals are getting short shrift despite Abdullah's interfaith

    Evangelical Christians are under fire in Jordan, and more than two
    dozen missionaries and seminary students have been deported or refused
    visas in the past year.

    Some of the 27 families or individuals are American citizens, a source
    of some embarrassment to Jordan's King Abdullah II, who will be in
    Washington tomorrow to visit the White House and conduct interfaith
    discussions with Muslim and Jewish leaders.

    Abdullah also appeared before a closed-door session of American
    evangelical leaders during the February 2006 National Prayer
    Breakfast. Jordan heavily markets to evangelicals its many biblical
    sites as part of its $2.3 billion tourism industry.

    "I think the king needs to see the repercussions for allowing
    this thing to simmer underneath the surface," said Keith Roderick,
    Washington representative for Christian Solidarity International,
    which tracks religious persecution. "The king has to realize there
    is a cost to this reaction. Christians are an important part of the
    economic well-being of Jordan."

    After the expulsions were reported Jan. 29 by the evangelical news
    service Compass Direct, Al Jazeera TV devoted a lengthy Feb. 17 program
    to the issue. Constantine Qarmash, an official with the Greek Orthodox
    Church in Amman, Jordan, told the network that the evangelicals'
    goal was to "serve Israeli interests in this region."

    Awda Qawwas, a World Council of Churches representative in Amman,
    accused foreign evangelicals of being "financed by their churches
    in America."

    "Most of them are of American nationality," he told Al Jazeera. "They
    come as individuals, and they exploit the citizens of this nation,
    recruiting them for their interests."

    The Jordanian Embassy issued a statement saying a Council of Church
    Leaders in Amman has "been complaining for many years about the role
    of missionary groups in Jordan." Christian proselytizing of Muslims
    is illegal in Jordan.

    In off-the-record interviews, several Christians have told The
    Washington Times that Jordanian government officials tend to listen
    only to clergy from the historic churches native to the region. Those
    churches actively work against evangelicals, seeing them as foreign
    interlopers who undermine the native churches by converting their

    "It's not the Muslims who are causing me problems," one Christian
    leader said. "It's the Orthodox."

    "It's the bishops," one ministry director said in a phone interview
    last week, referring to leaders of the Roman Catholic, Armenian
    Orthodox, Greek Orthodox and other native churches in Jordan. "There
    are four bishops that are causing us a lot of trouble."

    Dwight Bashir, senior policy analyst for the U.S. Commission on
    Religious Freedom, said the rash of deportations are the highest
    he's seen in six years in what has been considered one of the more
    tolerant Middle Eastern countries.

    "There's a troubling climate starting to brew there," he said.

    A number of the deportation or refused-visa cases come from students
    attending Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary (JETS) in Amman,
    one of a handful of Protestant seminaries in the Middle East. Imad
    Shehadeh, its president, was en route to the United States on Friday
    and could not be reached for comment.

    But in November he said the seminary had been "extremely hurt by
    Muslims," not only in denying visas to returning foreign students
    but in the jailing and deporting of students who had converted from
    Islam to Christianity.

    Mr. Roderick, who visited Jordan in October with a group of American
    evangelicals, said 78 foreigners out of JETS' 300-member student body
    had been deported or had their visas refused. He added that the U.S.

    Embassy in Amman has an "institutional indifference" towards Christians
    in general.

    William Murray, founder of the Religious Freedom Coalition and a
    member of the same delegation, said Abdullah is trying to satisfy
    Islamic radicals.

    "The evangelicals are the easiest to push around, and they can be
    made an example of to satisfy the mainline Islamic elements there
    he's been unable to Westernize," he said.