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Troops Patrol Tense Armenian Capital

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  • Troops Patrol Tense Armenian Capital

    By Avet Demourian

    Associated Press Online
    March 2, 2008 Sunday 9:49 PM GMT

    Hundreds of troops flooded Armenia's capital Sunday to enforce a
    state of emergency after clashes between opposition activists and
    government forces left eight people dead and more than 100 injured.

    The bloodshed over the results of last month's presidential election is
    the worst political crisis to hit this volatile former Soviet republic
    in nearly a decade. A European envoy rushed to Armenia to mediate
    the conflict, while the U.S. urged both sides to exercise restraint.

    President Robert Kocharian declared the 20-day state of emergency
    Saturday night following a day of violence between police and
    demonstrators who claim the Feb. 19 election was fraudulently won by
    Prime Minister Serge Sarkisian.

    Police fired warning shots and tear gas to disperse thousands of
    demonstrators Saturday after using clubs earlier in the day to break
    up a tent camp where hundreds of protesters had stayed for more than
    a week.

    Seven civilians and one officer were killed and at least 131 protesters
    and troops were wounded, officials said.

    Authorities accused some protesters of shooting at police. Health
    Ministry spokeswoman Russian Gevorkian said 16 troops had suffered
    bullet wounds, the Interfax news agency reported. The opposition
    denied using weapons.

    The demonstrators support opposition candidate and former president
    Levon Ter-Petrosian, who finished a distant second to Sarkisian in
    the election's official results.

    Ter-Petrosian was being prevented from leaving his residence by
    government forces, though no charges had been filed against him, He
    called on his supporters to go home and refrain from further protests
    while the emergency order is in place. He vowed to continue efforts
    to force a new election once it is lifted and has appealed to the
    nation's Constitutional Court to overturn the results.

    "We shall not retreat. Acting within the law, within the framework of
    the constitution, we shall struggle to the end, until the removal of
    this hateful and criminal regime, this bandit and kleptocratic regime,"
    Ter-Petrosian told reporters in his house in central Yerevan.

    Hundreds of soldiers wearing bulletproof vests and carrying assault
    rifles patrolled streets littered with burned cars, broken shop
    windows and looted kiosks.

    Several major streets were closed. Troops were warning residents by
    loudspeaker not to gather in groups.

    Police said the protesters were plotting a violent coup. Opposition
    spokesman Arman Musinian, however, claimed the grenades and pistols
    later shown on Armenia's state television stacked carefully in the
    bushes surrounding the tent camp had been planted.

    Some 15,000 protesters regrouped later in the day, only to be broken
    up again by police. Groups of angry demonstrators then marched around
    town, looting shops and setting cars ablaze.

    At least 55 people were detained during the day's unrest, said Sona
    Truzian, a spokeswoman for the prosecutor general's office. Fifteen
    were later formally arrested. Ter-Petrosian said all those arrested
    were his close allies.

    The bloodshed raised concerns about stability in this country,
    which borders Iran and lies on a transit route from the energy-rich
    Caspian Sea region to Western consumers. Europe's leading security
    organization, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe,
    was sending an envoy to Armenia to mediate the crisis.

    The European Union said its foreign policy chief, Javier Solana,
    spoke by phone with Kocharian and asked his special representative
    to go to Yerevan and meet with all parties.

    The State Department said a top official for the region, Daniel Fried,
    spoke with Sarkisian. The U.S. is calling on both sides to restore
    order, show restraint and resume a political dialogue.

    The opposition says Sarkisian stole the election by resorting to
    vote-buying, ballot stuffing and pressuring media to skew coverage
    in his favor. Several opposition members said they were beaten on
    election day to prevent them from monitoring the vote. The government
    denies any wrongdoing.

    International election observers issued an overall positive assessment
    of the election, but noted serious flaws, especially during the
    vote count.

    The Vatican's secretary of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, had been
    due to fly to Armenia Sunday to meet religious leaders but postponed
    his visit because of the crisis, the Vatican said in a statement. He
    will visit Azerbaijan later this week as planned.

    AP reporter Maria Danilova in Moscow and Matti Huuhtanen in Helsinki,
    Finland, contributed to this report.