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Armenia: Is A Government Cover-Up In Progress?

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  • Armenia: Is A Government Cover-Up In Progress?


    March 3 2008

    In the center of the Armenian capital Yerevan, the debris left by
    the March 1 violent clash between opposition protesters and security
    forces is being carted away. Outside of the country, meanwhile,
    political analysts and human rights activists are wondering whether
    Robert Kocharian's administration is also striving to cleanse the
    narrative of the March 1 events. With the government controlling all
    channels of information, it is difficult to determine the extent of
    the brutality. However, the initial impression of some observers is
    that state security forces used excessive force.

    Officially, the death toll from the March 1 confrontation is eight.

    However, eyewitness accounts provided before the imposition of
    government restrictions on the dissemination of news from non-official
    sources suggest that the body count is actually much higher. [For
    background see the Eurasia Insight archive].

    "It's hard to say if there's a cover-up. ... What's evident is the
    need for a full, independent investigation," said Rachel Denber,
    the deputy director of HRW's Europe and Central Asia division.

    Denber declined to comment on whether Human Rights Watch deemed the
    government's official death toll of eight as reliable, or whether
    the number of dead was probably higher. She would only describe the
    March 1 events as a "very chaotic and violent situation." Denber added
    that Armenia, as a member of the Council of Europe, was "obligated"
    to abide by internationally recognized standards for the investigation
    of government actions.

    In written statements released March 2, HRW questioned whether the use
    of force by Armenian security troops on March 1 was disproportionate
    to the threat to public order. "Armenian police used excessive force
    and violence to disperse demonstrators protesting peacefully against
    recent election results," said one HRW statement.

    "A political crisis doesn't give the government carte blanche in how
    it responds to demonstrators," the statement went on to quote Holly
    Cartner, HRW's Europe and Central Asia director as saying.

    Under the state of emergency imposed by the Kocharian administration,
    the ability to get at the facts is greatly impaired. It is illegal
    for Armenian journalists and mass media outlets to disseminate any
    information, other than that coming from official sources. Likewise,
    a foreign correspondent reportedly faces immediate expulsion from
    the country, if he or she is deemed to have violated "the regime of
    the state of emergency."

    State of emergency regulations also provide for the suspension of
    non-governmental organization activities that "impede the elimination
    of circumstances causing the emergency situation."

    At least one Armenian web news outlet, A1+, is being blocked. Others
    are complying with the government restrictions under protest.

    "We fully support all legitimate efforts to stabilize conditions
    following the tragic events of March 1," said a statement posted on
    the news website ArmeniaNow.

    "We do not accept that silencing non-state media is a legitimate
    means of maintaining order," the statement continued. "Rather, we
    fear that the restrictions, even for the short period announced,
    could lead to the sort of propagandized media that re-unites Armenia
    with its Soviet past, while doing nothing to resolve the problems it
    faces in the present."

    Government news communiques "present only a partial picture of present
    conditions," the ArmeniaNow statement added.

    Amid the news vacuum, international reaction to the March 1 events has
    been circumspect, tending to avoid addressing directly the Kocharian
    administration's tactics. Governments and multilateral organizations
    thus far have limited their comments to calls for restraint. OSCE
    chairman-in-office Ilka Kanerva, for example, called for Kocharian and
    opposition to engage in dialogue. An OSCE diplomatic trouble-shooter,
    Heikki Talvitie, traveled to Yerevan on March 2 to try to hasten the
    reconciliation process.

    Political divisions arising out of the controversial February
    19 presidential election were the root cause of the March 1
    confrontation. Levon Ter-Petrosian, the second place finisher,
    has asserted that the electoral process featured widespread fraud,
    in order to ensure that the government's favored candidate, Prime
    Minister Serzh Sarkisian, would emerge as the winner. [For background
    see the Eurasia Insight archive].

    Amid the use of force against anti-government protesters,
    authorities appeared to place Ter-Petrosian under house arrest,
    although administration officials portrayed him as being under state
    protection. The restrictions on Ter-Petrosian's freedom of movement
    drew criticism from Terry Davis, the secretary general of the Council
    of Europe, who indicated that the limitations placed on the opposition
    leader constituted arbitrary action on the government's part.

    Some of the most vocal criticism of the government's conduct has come
    from Armenia's neighbors. In Georgia, where Mikhail Saakashvili's
    administration and opposition parties have been, as in Armenia,
    wrangling over election results, comments on the Yerevan events seemed
    largely divided along partisan lines. [For background see the Eurasia
    Insight archive]. On March 2, Saakashvili discussed the situation
    with Kocharian, conveying "his support to the people of Armenia and
    its authorities," the official Armenpress news agency quoted Viktor
    Soghomonian, an Armenian presidential aide, as saying.

    A statement issued March 3 by the opposition Republican Party of
    Georgia, however, assailed the Kocharian administration for resorting
    to force before "having exhausted resources for dialogue." Other
    opposition parties in Georgia also denounced the Kocharian
    administration's handling of events.

    Officials in Azerbaijan, which is still grappling with Armenia over
    the fate of the Nagorno-Karabakh territory, used the tumult in Yerevan
    as an opportunity to try to score public relations points.

    [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive]. For example,
    Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev attributed the outbreak of
    violence in Yerevan to "the ill-considered policies of the [Armenian]

    In Yerevan, regular army troops are now charged with maintaining
    public order. Late on March 2, the armed forces chief, Col. Gen.

    Seyran Ohanian, cautioned in a televised address that the terms of
    the state of emergency would be strictly enforced. In particular,
    he warned that troops would respond quickly and forcefully to the
    "slightest" sign of any non-sanctioned public gathering. "I am asking
    you to refrain from attempting to assemble in Yerevan even in small
    groups," said Ohanian.