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Eyewitnesses Tell Of Violence, Shootings

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  • Eyewitnesses Tell Of Violence, Shootings


    Institute for War and Peace Reporting
    March 3 2008

    Amidst a virtual media blackout, witnesses tell their own stories of
    street fighting in Yerevan.

    Armenia is under a virtual news blackout because of the state
    of emergency imposed in Yerevan on March 1, which placed tight
    restrictions on local media.

    As people struggle to form a clear picture of the violence that has
    shaken the Armenian capital, rumours are circulating rapidly.

    Amid the rumour and half-truths, several direct witnesses have given
    accounts of what they saw to IWPR.

    Yerevan residents have resorted to telephoning one another or coming
    out onto the streets to swap information. Taxi drivers, in particular,
    have become a good source of "alternative news".

    Internet providers have all but shut down access to two independent
    sources of information - the websites of Radio Liberty and A1+

    Much of the video footage shot during the protests was confiscated
    by police, but some is being released on the internet, as Armenians
    exchange information on sites such as Youtube and Facebook.

    Rumours that the number of dead was not eight - as officials say -
    but 40 or even 100 have fuelled anger among opposition supporters
    already infuriated by official television reports that placed all
    the blame on the protestors.

    Eyewitnesses who observed clashes at various points in the day on
    March have told IWPR of running battles and police violence.

    When the trouble began early on March 1, as the opposition's tent
    city on Freedom Square was broken up and protestors were rounded up.,
    one young woman named Suzie managed to capture on film footage in
    which ten policemen attacked and kicked a man.

    Later in the day, another clash took place close to the French embassy
    and the office of Yerevan's mayor. A foreigner living in Yerevan, who
    asked not to be named, told IWPR he observed the ensuing confrontation,
    and alleged that men armed with rifles deliberately fired on civilians.

    "I was on a balcony overlooking the epicentre of the battle last
    night. I was within 10 metres of the entire fight," he said.

    "There were special-forces snipers with black ski-masks mixed in with
    the young, scared policemen, who were not masked. While the police
    shot tracers into the air, these riflemen directly aimed at and shot
    protesters. I saw two men fall on the ground below me, one with a
    massive haemorrhage to his head. He was unconscious and carried off
    by other protesters."

    At the start of the police action against the crowd assembled near the
    embassy building, he said, "I saw a police captain and his lieutenants
    drinking in celebration as they sent the first attack of terrified,
    ill-trained riot police to the front."

    As the police moved in, they set fire to a barricade that protesters
    had erected near the embassy. "Protesters lobbed fire back onto
    the streets and counter-charged. The police then panicked, and some
    were wounded in the melee, mostly from their own [colleagues] also
    trying to get away from the fight. I saw several police limp back,
    but none were bloody," said the eyewitness, adding, "This is when I
    saw masked soldiers take aim and fire directly at the protesters."

    The eyewitness said the demonstrators had only makeshift weapons -
    rocks and metal bars. "A few had Molotov cocktails, but most simply
    took tear gas canisters and whatever police used to send fire into
    the protesters [and threw them] back," he said.

    In the second police charge, he said, the police brought in
    water-cannon trucks, but used them "ineptly", running out of water
    before they reached the protesters.

    The security forces then retreated again. "This is when the protesters
    began to give chase, chasing riot police and the water-cannon trucks
    all the way to Proshian and the Hrazdan gorge," said the eyewitness.

    He gave his own account of the looting incidents that followed,
    which have been widely reported in the media. He said protestors
    seemed to target only the security forces and those businesses whose
    owners were seen as close to the current government.

    "Some elements broke into supermarkets owned by oligarchs and
    deputies of parliament who are widely seen to be among the most
    corrupt officials in the country," he said. "This is the remarkable
    thing that occurred - they targeted only two oligarch supermarkets,
    one candy store, one high-scale shoe shop and a few windows. That's
    it. They did not touch a single other shop on the street."

    The same applied to vehicles, he continued, claiming, "The only cars
    torched were military or police vehicles. Fighting went back and
    forth in front of me and there were five cars unfortunately parked
    on the street by people living in the building, but there was not a
    scratch on them."