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ANCA: House Members Express Concern on Proposed Armenia Aid Cuts

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  • ANCA: House Members Express Concern on Proposed Armenia Aid Cuts

    Armenian National Committee of America
    1711 N Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20036
    Tel. (202) 775-1918
    Fax. (202) 775-5648
    Email [email protected]


    March 3, 2008
    Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
    Tel: (202) 775-1918


    Washington, DC - House Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign
    Operations Chairwoman Nita Lowey (D-NY) and senior panel member,
    Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Joe Knollenberg (R-MI), expressed concern
    about the Administration's proposed drastic reductions in U.S.
    foreign aid to Armenia during recent Congressional hearings on U.S.
    foreign assistance, reported the Armenian National Committee of
    America (ANCA).

    "We would like to thank Chairwoman Lowey and Rep. Knollenberg for
    their efforts to reverse the proposed cuts in U.S. assistance to
    Armenia," stated ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. "We look
    forward to working with members of the House and Senate
    Appropriations committees to secure appropriate levels of aid to
    Armenia, direct development aid to Nagorno Karabagh, and to block
    the Administration's latest bid to break its own agreement to
    maintain parity in military assistance to Armenia and Azerbaijan."

    Armenian Americans can express their concerns about proposed cuts
    in Armenia foreign aid by sending a free ANCA WebFax to their
    Senators and Representative at: 1011351&type=CO

    During a hearing featuring the testimony of Millennium Challenge
    Corporation (MCC) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Amb. John
    Danilovich, held on February 26th, Chairwoman Lowey questioned the
    wisdom of reducing U.S. aid to countries like Armenia when the
    effect of MCC assistance to the country "may not be felt for
    years." Rep. Lowey explained that "current program implementation
    data shows that these programs are not yet demonstrating
    significant impact. Yet, these countries are losing health and
    development resources quickly."

    Armenia signed a $235.7 million compact with MCC, focused on rural
    development and poverty reduction programs. In his testimony, Amb.
    Danilovich cited successes in compact countries around the world,
    including Armenia, where "more than 2,450 participants, of which
    almost a quarter are women, have been trained in on-farm water
    management to increase production." Amb. Danilovich's complete
    testimony may be read at:

    During a subsequent House Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign
    Operations hearing with Henrietta Fore, U.S. Director of Foreign
    Assistance and Administrator of USAID, held on February 27th, Rep.
    Knollenberg expressed concerns about the Administration's bid to
    reduce U.S. aid to Armenia by 44% in light of the ongoing illegal
    blockades by both Turkey and Azerbaijan. Fore noted that "Armenia
    is a very important country for us." She indicated that Armenia
    "has made great strides" and is "one of the success stories,"
    stating that, per capita, Armenia has the highest foreign
    assistance rate in Eurasia.

    The President's Fiscal Year 2009 (FY2009) budget recommends cutting
    U.S. economic aid to Armenia from the FY2008 estimated level of $58
    million to a proposed level of $24 million - a cut of nearly 60%
    and $11 million less than his FY2008 request. This dramatic
    reduction to Armenia, a nation economically blockaded by Turkey and
    Azerbaijan, takes place against the backdrop of assistance
    proposals to other Independent States of the Former Soviet Union
    that are either remaining constant or experiencing increases.
    According to the President's figures, Georgia, for example, would
    receive $52 million, while Azerbaijan, which is collecting billions
    in oil revenues, is set to receive $19.5 million. The President's
    budget proposal does not include any specific assistance figures
    for Nagorno Karabagh.

    In a related foreign aid matter, Virginia Republican Frank Wolf
    urged the MCC to add a "genocide" indicator to its assistance
    criteria, to ensure that no country receiving U.S. assistance is a
    perpetrator or enabler of the act of genocide. Rep. Wolf has
    indicated that he would advance an amendment to the foreign
    assistance bill in this regard.
