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Azerbaijan Assails Armenian Forces In Nagorno Karabakh

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  • Azerbaijan Assails Armenian Forces In Nagorno Karabakh

    By A. Haroutiunian

    AZG Armenian Daily

    National Security

    According to Foreign Minister Oskanian, Azerbaijani Diplomacy has
    also Taken an Aggressive Stance

    On March 3, 2008, in the Martakert Region of Nagorno-Karabakh, the
    Azerbaijani armed forces attempted a serious attack on the Armenian

    "This incident quite differs from all the previous violations of the
    armistice, to which we are used to.

    In sense of weapons and military machinery engaged, this attack differs
    from the others a great deal," stated on a press conference the same
    day Foreign Minister of the Republic of Armenia Vardan Oskanian.

    As of yesterday, the skirmish still continued on the frontline, the
    Azerbaijani side announced the loss of two soldiers. The Minster added,
    "At a certain moment we lost a position, but regained it and restored
    the status quo on the frontline. We strongly condemn this action of
    violence and consider it as a provocation of the Azerbaijani side in
    connection with the destabilized political situation inside Armenia.

    Probably Azerbaijan counted upon taking advantage at the moment
    when all of Armenia is focused on its internal problems. Luckily,
    Azerbaijan's plans failed".

    The Co-Chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group, as well as representative
    of OSCE Chairman in Office Andrzey Kasprszyk were immediately
    informed about the incident. Yesterday Co-Chair Bryza and Special
    Representative Kasprszyk left on an official visit to Baku and are
    returning to Yerevan in a day or two.

    They negotiate for restoring the armistice regime with the Azerbaijani

    "At first the negotiations were about the point that Azerbaijan
    consented to cease the fire without giving up the occupied
    position. This question was naturally settled by the fact that the
    Armenian forces succeeded to take it back." In such circumstances,
    according to Vardan Oskanian, the restoration of armistice will be
    much easier.

    Foreign Minister Oskanian also said that the diplomacy of Azerbaijan
    has also taken an aggressive stance. The Azerbaijani side has proposed
    a new resolution draft on Karabakh issue, based upon the precedent
    of Kosovo.

    The resolution draft is to be voted on March 14. The Foreign Minister
    assured that the Armenian diplomacy is working to prevent the passing
    of the resolution and stated that the proposal of it was another
    Azerbaijani provocation, caused by the unrest in Armenia.

    "The Chairing countries are trying to persuade Azerbaijan to call
    the resolution back. If even those attempts fail, I hope at least
    that the Chairing countries will not support the resolution," said Mr.

    Oskanian. He also stated that the Azerbaijani authorities are trying to
    put the newly elected President of Armenia into a difficult situation
    with such measures.

    Mr. Oskanian informed that in the state of emergency the Foreign
    Ministry of Armenia shall work in a special regime, so as to ensure
    providing verified and objective information.

    The Foreign Minister reminded that OSCE Chairman in Office
    representative Heikki Talvitie and EU Special Representative to South
    Caucasus Peter Semneby are on a visit to Armenia and have met with
    the President, Prime Minister, Parliament Speaker and opposition
    political figures.