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Bloody Crackdown Ends Armenian Post-Election Unrest, For Now

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  • Bloody Crackdown Ends Armenian Post-Election Unrest, For Now

    By Ashot Azatian

    Eurasia Daily Monitor
    March 4 2008

    The unrest sparked by Armenia's February 19 presidential election,
    praised by the West but considered fraudulent by many Armenians,
    could have hardly had a worse denouement. At least eight people were
    killed and more than a hundred others wounded on the night of March
    1-2, as security forces put a bloody end to daily demonstrations
    staged in Yerevan by supporters of Levon Ter-Petrosian, the country's
    former president and the main opposition presidential candidate. The
    United States and the European Union have stopped short of explicitly
    condemning the unprecedented use of firepower against opposition
    demonstrators, saying that both the Armenian authorities and
    Ter-Petrosian are responsible for the violence.

    The authorities had already been emboldened by Western observers'
    generally positive assessment of their handling of the election,
    which was controversially won by Prime Minister Serge Sarkisian.

    Official results gave him 52.8% of the vote and put Ter-Petrosian in
    a distant second place with 21.5%.

    The former Armenian president refused to concede defeat, alleging
    widespread fraud and demanding a rerun of the ballot. Tens of thousands
    of his supporters rallied in Yerevan for eleven consecutive days. More
    than 2,000 of them joined Ter-Petrosian in keeping a round-the-clock
    vigil in a tent camp set up in the city's Liberty Square on February
    20. Riot police, interior troops, and other security forces used
    truncheons and electric-shock devices to clear the square in the early
    morning of March 1. Scores of protesters were beaten and detained
    on the spot, while Ter-Petrosian was forcibly taken home and placed
    under house arrest.

    The brutal use of force triggered a wave of popular indignation
    that manifested itself just hours later. Hundreds of opposition
    supporters began gathering in another part of the city center, a
    major street intersection outside the Yerevan mayor's office, later in
    the morning. Riot police attacked them as well, but met with fierce
    resistance and left the scene altogether as the angry crowd swelled
    dramatically in the afternoon. The protesters, most of them angry men
    in their 20s and 30s, began arming themselves with sticks, metal rods,
    and stones and blocking all streets leading to the sprawling site with
    vehicles seized from police and public transportation buses. By late
    afternoon opposition leaders took charge of the spontaneous protest,
    urging tens of thousands of people to stay put until the authorities
    let Ter-Petrosian leave his residence and address them.

    By 9 pm legions of riot police were deployed on two nearby street
    intersections. From one of them, special police units began firing
    tracer bullets in the direction of the crowd before interior troops
    in full riot gear charged towards the opposition barricades to face a
    hail of stones and Molotov cocktails. The pitched battles ended by 10
    pm with a hasty police retreat from the scene. Some of the protesters
    pursued the fleeing troops, burning dozens of police vehicles and
    private cars and looting several shops.

    The police gunshots that sparked the violent scene were apparently
    fired not only into the air. According to eyewitness accounts, the
    gunfire, which lasted for more than 40 minutes, left one and possibly
    two opposition protesters dead. The London-based Institute for War and
    Peace Reporting (IWPR) quoted on March 3 a Yerevan-based foreigner
    who had witnessed the street battle from his balcony as saying,
    "There were special-forces snipers with black ski masks mixed in with
    the young, scared policemen, who were not masked. While the police
    shot tracers into the air, these riflemen directly aimed at and shot
    protesters. I saw two men fall on the ground below me, one with a
    massive hemorrhage to his head."

    This is what appears to have made barricade defenders go on a rampage
    that departing President Robert Kocharian used as a pretext for
    declaring a 20-day state of emergency and sending army units into
    the city center. The move forced Ter-Petrosian to urge (by phone)
    the crowd of several thousand people remaining outside the Yerevan
    municipality at around 4 am to go home.

    Speaking at a late-night news conference, Kocharian defended the
    imposition of emergency rule, saying that Ter-Petrosian supporters
    were the first to open fire. Armenian officials point to an interior
    troop officer who was killed in the initial clash by a hand grenade,
    which they say was thrown from the barricades. However, journalists
    present at the scene did not witness any protesters carrying weapons.

    Troops and armored vehicles have since been patrolling all major
    squares in central Yerevan amid a new wave of arrests of Ter-Petrosian
    allies, including at least two members of parliament, accused of
    plotting a coup d'etat. The state of emergency means not only a
    complete ban on all public gatherings in the Armenian capital, but
    also makes it a crime for local media to report anything other than
    government and police statements. The information blackout has led to
    the temporary closure of all independent and pro-opposition newspapers
    and online news services.

    As far as the international community is concerned, the Armenian
    regime has essentially gotten away with its bloody crackdown on the
    opposition. While expressing serious concern at the dramatic events
    in Armenia and calling for the lifting of emergency rule, neither
    the United States, nor the European Union have condemned the use of
    lethal force against protesters. The Americans, in particular, urged
    the Kocharian-Sarkisian duo to "ensure that this peaceful situation
    continues" just two days before the break-up of the Liberty Square
    protest (Statement by the U.S. Mission to the OSCE, February 28).

    U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Dan Fried and his deputy, Matt Bryza,
    had a phone conversation with Sarkisian on March 2, before or during
    the violent standoff in Yerevan. Judging from an Armenian government
    press release on the conversation, Sarkisian was not under strong
    pressure to avoid using force. A statement issued by a U.S.

    State Department spokesman right after the massacre called "on all
    sides" to avoid further violence.

    Meanwhile, Ter-Petrosian, who remains under de facto house arrest,
    told foreign journalists that he would have prevented bloodshed had
    the authorities allowed him to leave his mansion located just outside
    the city center (Regnum, March 2). He also said the authorities
    deliberately provoked the worst-ever street violence in Armenia's
    history and pledged to continue his campaign for a repeat presidential