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Statement of Heritage's Parliamentary Group - 03/04/2008

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  • Statement of Heritage's Parliamentary Group - 03/04/2008

    The Heritage Party
    31 Moscovian Street
    Yerevan, Armenia
    Tel.: (+374 - 10) 53.69.13
    Fax: (+374 - 10) 53.26.97
    Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

    4 March 2008

    Statement of Heritage's Parliamentary Group

    The Heritage party's parliamentary group harshly condemns the improper
    and impermissible use of excessive force against the peaceful
    demonstrators, both in the early morning of March 1 at Liberty Square
    and throughout the evening of the same day and early hours of March 2
    in downtown Yerevan. In actual fact, these actions have begotten
    numerous casualties and given cause for even more violations.
    Furthermore, in direct breach of Armenia's commitments to the Council
    of Europe and the provisions of the European Convention on Human
    Rights--including the terms stipulated in Section 15--the incumbent
    president declared on March 1 a state of emergency in Yerevan.

    During the special session of the National Assembly, which lasted from
    the late night of the same day to the early hours of March 2, Heritage
    MPs argued that the aforesaid declaration would escalate the tensions
    between the authorities and the opposition, and would serve only to
    agitate the national problem. The blockade placed against political
    parties, social associations, and the media, in particular, have
    drastically curtailed political and civil rights and freedoms. The
    members of Heritage's parliamentary group also emphasize the necessity
    to take political steps toward resolving the situation, to end the
    bloodshed and violations, to investigate the crimes, and to bring the
    perpetrators to justice.

    But during today's special session the attorney general's formal
    petition to take away the parliamentary immunity of our four
    colleagues and to launch a criminal investigation against them shows
    that we do not comprehend the gravity of this situation. This new
    measure taken by the authorities will no doubt destabilize the
    situation even further.

    We believe that the preliminary investigation launched against those
    men is nothing but political vengeance and, among many dignitaries,
    the Council of Europe's secretary general Terry Davis has made an
    appeal to the authorities to refrain from such reprisals. In the past
    two days, we have attempted to ascertain the whereabouts of, and to
    converse with, our four associates and many other detainees. Our
    attempts have been consistently hampered.

    We declare that the preliminary investigation is biased, unfair, and
    unlawful. This is also demonstrated by the fact that the legal
    defenders of many of the accused were not allowed to see their
    clients. We are also deeply concerned with the physical and mental
    condition of those who have been arrested, especially since a number
    of them were subjected to various types of abuse. In our view, the
    revocation of the parliamentary immunity of our four coworkers and the
    carrying out of political vengeance against them constitute an open
    defiance to the honor and integrity of this country, its people, and
    the international community.

    We call upon all our colleagues in the National Assembly to refrain
    >From deepening the divide between the frustrated Armenian people and
    the authorities, and to say no to this petition, which will bring
    about unforeseeable catastrophic consequences. It is impermissible for
    us, the legislative branch of the Armenian government, to exempt our
    country and ourselves from international law and our own commitments
    to it. The wild passion, which has possessed certain bodies of power,
    to claim itself the victor in this situation at all costs is likewise
    impermissible. We encourage Armenia's attorney general to consider the
    perilous nature of his petition and to withdraw it immediately. If
    approved, this petition will have a boomerang effect and none of the
    parliament members sitting here today will be able to defend himself
    >From this boomerang's return hit. The civic patience will have funally
    run out.

    Dear colleagues, at this crucial moment for our nation, we ask you
    with all our heart, mind, and conscience to not play a part in the
    irreversible deepening of our people's final abyss.

    March 4, 2008

    Founded in 2002, Heritage has regional divisions throughout the land.
    Its central office is located at 31 Moscovian Street, Yerevan 0002,
    Armenia, with telephone contact at (374-10) 536.913, fax at (374-10)
    532.697, email at [email protected] or [email protected], and website