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Endangered Animals On Armenian Coins

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  • Endangered Animals On Armenian Coins

    By Dennis G. Rainey, World Coin News a/numis/Article.jsp?ad=article&ArticleId=3897
    March 5 2008

    This column is about animals on some coins from the Red Book of
    endangered and threatened animals of the Republic of Armenia, a small
    nation bordered by Georgia on the north, Azerbaijan on the east,
    Iran on the south and Turkey on the west. It is part of the Caucasus,
    an area of great ecological significance.

    Armenia's size is 11,483 square miles, and it is typically mountainous
    with a dry sub-tropical climate. There are six ecosystem types:
    deserts (below 3,000 feet), semi-deserts (2,000 to 3,900 feet),
    steppes (3,900 to 6,600 feet), forests (1,640 north-8,262 south feet),
    subalpine and alpine meadows (7,546 to 9,186 feet).

    Some 17,000 species of animals (mostly invertebrates) have been
    recorded in Armenia including 75 kinds of mammals, 302 birds, 43
    reptiles and nine amphibians.

    Armenia has a long history of oppression by foreign governments,
    the last being Soviet Russia. It became a Soviet republic in 1922
    and did not become an independent republic until 1991.

    Biodiversity suffered greatly during the Soviet period, and after
    the Soviet breakup Armenia underwent a severe economic crisis with
    additional dire consequences on habitats and animal life. The Spitak
    earthquake of 1988 destroyed the city of Spitak and 58 villages, and
    resulted in horrendous damage to industry including food production
    and widespread environmental damage. Twenty-five thousand people were
    killed, 20,000 injured and 500,000 made homeless. By 1998 the average
    monthly earnings were equivalent to $16 U.S.! Now slow recovery is in
    progress aided by a shift to democracy, market-based economy, private
    ownership of land and decentralization in industry and agriculture.

    Foreign investment is now encouraged.

    All this has severely damaged biodiversity. Forests have been
    particularly hurt with only 25 percent of the original left.

    Deforestation has produced extreme erosion and subsequent flooding.

    Equally severe soil erosion has occurred due to poor agricultural
    practices and thousands of acres are now unusable. Vegetation cover
    (up to 40 percent in some areas) has diminished because of overgrazing
    of pastures by livestock. Pesticide residues from overuse also enter
    into this sad picture resulting in heavy river pollution and changes
    in plant cover. Mining and chemical industries have caused pollution of
    several natural ecosystems with heavy metals (about 20,000 acres). All
    of this unfortunate history has severely affected Armenia's animal
    life, but one has to admire the ongoing successful road to recovery
    by the government.

    The Central Bank of Armenia has issued several coins depicting
    animals in Armenia's Red Book, and hopefully sales revenue is being
    used for conservation and research purposes. I gladly purchased all
    the coins. Let's discuss these animals on coins.

    Eurasian Otter

    A subspecies of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra meridionalis) is
    depicted on the 1997 100 drams (KM 71). This subspecies is called the
    Caucasian otter on the coin. Otters (13 species worldwide) belong to
    the "smelly" group of mammals - Family Mustelidae (skunks, weasels,
    polecats, badgers, wolverine, sable, fishers and martens, etc.).

    Otters are the only amphibious members of the family.

    This species has an incredibly large geographic range, too large
    to give details here. Suffice it to say it occurs in almost all of
    Europe, northwestern Africa and much of Asia. They dwell from sea
    level to 13,500 feet in Tibet. The IUCN (World Conservation Union)
    Red Book lists it as near threatened. Its habitat is freshwater lakes,
    rivers, ponds, swamps, rice fields, marine coves and estuaries.

    This species is 3 to 4.5 feet long and weighs 15 to 20 pounds. They
    rely solely on their fur while in water to keep warm because their
    body lacks a fat layer like in seals. The outer guard hairs keep the
    fine insulating undercoat dry. The front legs are shorter than the
    hind legs allowing them to swim better, and the toes are webbed. They
    are said to be able to stay submerged for only 20 seconds. Its diet
    is fish (80 percent), frogs, birds and small mammals.

    A 2004 paper by G. Gorgadze titled "The Eurasian Otter in the South
    Caucasus," published in the IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin
    indicated practically no research has been done in Armenia and
    Azerbaijan in the past 20 years. Records are better for Georgia.

    Trapping there for skins began in early 20th century and by the
    1930s 4,000 otters were killed annually. At the beginning of the
    1980s it was estimated there were 6,000 in South Caucasus and 12,000
    in Russia. Of the 6,000, 4,500 were in Georgia, 1,200 in Azerbaijan,
    but no estimates were given for Armenia. There was abundant evidence
    of a serious population decline in the South Caucasus (and Armenia?).

    Threats to the Eurasian otter in the three nations above are killing
    by fishermen (viewed as competitors), illegal trapping for the fur
    trade, unsustainable use of forests leading to loss of habitat,
    and over-exploitation of rivers and lakes. Drainage of wetlands was
    rampant in Soviet times. So, otter population declines are due solely
    to human activities.

    Wild Cat

    The wild cat, Felis silvestris, may be the most widespread member of
    the Family Felidae. It occurs in most of Africa, much of Europe and
    western Asia. The subspecies, F. s. caucasica, is depicted on the
    Armenia 2006 100 drams coin (KM 121).

    The IUCN 1996 publication, Wild Cats, divides the species into three
    groups: African (14 subspecies), Asiatic (3 subspecies) and European
    (6 subspecies). The wild cat in Armenia is in the European group and
    goes by the common name of Caucasian forest cat or Caucasian wild
    cat. It is found in southern Armenia, most of the rest of Caucasus
    and Turkey. I wrote about the life style of F. silvestris in detail
    in the article "Wildcat and Woodpecker At Risk In Moldova" in the
    December 2004 issue of World Coin News and will not repeat that here.

    Brown Bear

    The brown bear is depicted on the 2006 100 drams (KM 119). The
    scientific name on the coin is Ursus arctos syriacus. The taxonomy
    of brown bears in the Caucasus is unsettled as Dr. Gennady f.

    Baryshnikov, of the Russian Academy of Sciences and specialist in
    brown bears of Caucasus informed me in an email on 12 June 2007. He
    said one view is all brown bears in the Caucasus belong to U. a.

    syriacus and another view is the subspecies in most of the Caucasus
    is U. a. meridionalis, and U. a. syriacus is in the southernmost
    part including Armenia. However, he has not studied any specimens
    from Armenia. I. E. Chertin and N. G. Mikeshina in the paper titled
    "Variation in Skull Morphology of Brown Bears (Ursus arctos) from
    Caucasus" that appeared in the Jour. Mammalogy, V.79, No. 1, 1998,
    consider all brown bears in Caucasus to be U. a. syriacus.

    Literature on the brown bear in Armenia is non-existent, at least
    that I can find. I did find one sentence that stated the bears are
    found in forests, steppes and meadows depending on the time of the
    year. I was informed by an Armenian biologist that young mammalogists
    there are reluctant to work on large mammals, and funds for research
    are very scarce.

    Long-Eared Hedgehog

    The long-eared hedgehog is depicted on the 2006 100 drams (KM 120).

    The scientific name on the coin is Erinaceus (Hemiechinus) auritus.

    The corect name in my most recent reference is Hemiechinus auritus.

    Again, I found no literature on this mammal in Armenia; however,
    the same species was discussed in my article "Turkish Coins Feature
    Ricochet Mammals," World Coin News, April, 2007. Refer to this article
    for more information. I suspect it dwells mainly in the Armenian
    semi-desert ecosystem.

    Spur-Thighed Tortoise

    In 2006 the Central Bank issued a 100 drams coin (KM 122) depicting
    what they called the Mediterranean tortoise (Testudo graeca); this
    scientific name is on the coin. This tortoise has numerous common names
    such as Greek tortoise, Tunisian tortoise, Algerian tortoise, Moorish
    tortoise, but I choose to call it the spur-thighed tortoise following
    C. H. Ernst and R. W. Barbour, Turtles of the World, Smithsonian
    Institution Press, Washington, D.C., 1989, and other references.

    What is the difference between a tortoise and a terrapin? They are
    both turtles. A tortoise is a terrestrial turtle, and a terrapin is
    usually an aquatic turtle.

    An apparent valid subspecies has been described from Armenia that
    also occurs in parts of Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkey and is named T.

    g. armenica. A reference I found called it the Armenian tortoise.

    Additional subspecies have been described, but many are considered

    This wide-spread species occurs in Albania, Algeria, Armenia,
    Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan,
    Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Montenegro, Spain,
    Syria, Macedonia, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Ukraine. It is
    rare in Armenia and occurs in the Araks river valley in the south of
    that country in dry steppes, shrubby mountain slopes and low forests
    habitats. They are declining largely due to habitat loss. There are
    only about 1,000 surviving in the wild in Armenia, but many are in
    Russian and other country's zoos. They are bred in captivity for
    possible reintroductions by the Zoology Institute of the Republic
    of Armenia Academy of Sciences. The species is protected in Armenia,
    but some are still taken from the wild for the pet trade. The species
    is listed as vulnerable in the 2006 IUCN Red List.

    The species has been one of the most exploited chelonians for the pet
    trade with millions captured and sold. For example, more than one
    million captured in Morocco were imported to Great Britain between
    1967 and 1971 (inquire for reference). It was estimated that only
    five million were in Morocco in that period so the population was
    severely damaged, but later they were protected. Again, apparently
    this species has not been studied biologically in Armenia.

    Do not fail to log on to the following Web site named "Persian
    Leopard;" Then, click on the link
    "Gallery" to the left and view some remote camera pictures of Armenian
    mammals such as the brown bear and wild cat (notice "raccoon-like
    tail."). This is the Web site of biologists Sh.

    Asmaryan and Igor Khorozyan, the only scientists studying highly
    endangered leopards (Panthera pardus) in Armenia. Igor furnished
    valuable information for the brown bear portion of this article.

    Lastly, kudos to the Central Bank of Armenia for putting scientific
    and common names on their animal coins.