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President Kocharyan Sees No Need In Prolonging Or Reducing The Term

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  • President Kocharyan Sees No Need In Prolonging Or Reducing The Term

    05.03.2008 17:50

    RA President Robert Kocharyan declared at a press conference in Yerevan
    today that imposing a state of emergency in Yerevan on March 1st was a
    "necessity." According to him, otherwise the number of the killed and
    wounded would be greater, and the consequences of the unrest would
    be heavier.

    The President reminded that the state of emergency was declared on
    March 1 for the term of 20 days and said he does not see the necessity
    of prolonging or reducing the term. Robert Kocharyan underlined that
    he will not lift the state of emergency unless he is confident that
    the participants of the illegal actions are arrested and the will
    not attempt to destabilize the situation once again.

    Robert Kocharyan said the law-enforcement bodies have a number of
    materials, including videos, and "the picture of events of March 1st
    will be restored minute by minute." According to him, the volume of
    the initiated criminal case is "huge," and the investigating group
    will have to "work day and night." "Upon my order representatives of
    the law-enforcement bodies will inform on the process of investigation
    every day," Robert Kocharyan stated.

    The Armenian President stated that the people included in the criminal
    case may be divided into three conditional groups: organizers, members
    of groups, who committed attacks on policemen, and participants of
    the rally, who participated in the robbery of the shops.

    "It is obvious that the level of guilt of the organizers, instigators
    of unrest and the ordinary participants is different, and the attitude
    of the law-enforcement bodies to them will be different. However, it
    will be the greatest unfairness if in the first place the organizers
    and the instigators of the unrest are not found and held accountable,"
    the Armenian President stated.

    "It is natural that special attitude will be demonstrated towards
    those who used arms and explosives against policemen," Robert
    Kocharyan stated.

    President Robert Kocharyan stated today that Levon Ter-Petrosian
    repeatedly turned down the proposals of the authorities for a
    dialogue. The President stressed that after the unrest organized by
    the supporters of Ter-Petrosian on March 1st, "the process passed
    from the political framework to the legal one."

    Robert Kocharyan reminded that at his rallies Ter-Petrosian rejected
    any possibility of a dialogue with the authorities. The President
    reminded that right after the elections, President elect Serge Sargsyan
    stated his readiness to cooperate with all the political forces, "and
    everybody responded to the given proposal, except for Ter-Petrosian."

    The Armenian President described as "not corresponding to reality"
    the statement of Levon Ter-Petrosian, according to which in the
    evening of March 1st he held talks with the authorities, who refused
    to fulfill his demands.

    "Through the Head of State Protection Service Grigori Sargsyan Levon
    Ter-Petrosyan stated that he agreed to go and calm his supporters
    down, who had gathered at the square in front of the City Hall,
    if we fulfilled his conditions. The conditions included: taking
    his supporters through the center of the city to the Opera Square,
    continuing the rally and receiving guarantees of unhindered conduct
    of the rally for 15 days. That is to say, it was an ultimatum,"
    Robert Kocharyan stated.

    The President noted that by the time, when Ter-Petrosian voiced his
    conditions, the crowd of his supporters had already burnt a few dozens
    of cars and attacked policemen.

    "Imagine what would happen, if we allowed that crowd to move to the
    Opera Square through the center of the city," Robert Kocharyan stated.

    The President noted that Ter-Petrosyan was notified that he was
    free to join his supporters without any limitations. "His guards are
    officers of the State Protection Service, who could not participate
    in an illegal event," Robert Kocharyan stated.

    The President reminded also that Levon Ter-Petrosyan did not let
    the Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II into his house late on
    March 1st.

    "The Catholicos called me and, stating his deep concern, stated that
    he intends to pay a visit to Ter-Petrosyan. I said that I could only
    welcome such initiative. However, as you know, Ter-Petrosyan did
    not let him in. To tell the truth, I can hardly imagine a situation,
    when an Armenian, wherever he is, would be able not to allow the Head
    of the Armenian Church into his house," Robert Kocharyan stated.

    President Robert Kocharyan declared that the authorities did not
    plan to disperse the rally of Ter-Petrosyan's supporters at the Opera
    Square on March 1st.

    Robert Kocharyan stated that the policemen entered the Square early
    in the morning with the request to carry out a search.

    According to the President, the decision on emptying the square from
    the demonstrators was made as a result of furious resistance of the
    rally participants.

    "I often ask myself a question: maybe one should hot have tolerated the
    illegal rally for ten days? I think that if the square was emptied on
    the second day, or the third, we would have avoided the consequences
    we have today. However, the authorities did not take that step,
    since recount of votes was in process, and actions with the use of
    force could have been interpreted as pressure. We planned to take up
    active actions only in case the illegal rallies continued after the
    verdict of the Constitutional Court," the Armenian President stated.

    Commenting on the words of Levon Ter-Petrosyan, according to which
    after March 21 he plans to continue the struggle by means of holding
    rallies and demonstrations, Robert Kocharyan stated that "in case of
    unapproved actions, we will respond strictly and immediately."