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Flashback to 1996: Armenian Debacle

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  • Flashback to 1996: Armenian Debacle

    Armenian Debacle


    The Washington Post (Washington, D.C.)
    October 1, 1996
    Start Page: A.18

    Armenia gets more U.S. aid per capita than any other country but Israel.
    It earned this distinction not only through the fervent interest of so
    many Armenian Americans but also by portraying itself -- and for a time
    living up to the image of being -- a true democracy in the post-Soviet
    world. Sadly, reality has moved far from that image, as incumbent
    president Levon Ter-Petrossian has claimed reelection after a vote
    marred by fraud and has arrested or sent into exile or underground much
    of his political opposition. Almost as sadly, the U.S. government has
    reserved its strongest condemnation thus far for the opposition, even as
    Armenia slides toward authoritarian rule.

    Armenia embarked on its post-Soviet independence with great and
    legitimate hopes five years ago. Unlike so many other republics in the
    region where former Communist bosses simply repainted themselves as
    democrats, it chose as its leader a scholar and former dissident in Mr.
    Ter-Petrossian. But more than a year ago, the president started down the
    slope toward rule by Diktat, banning a major opposition party and
    gagging much of the press. Parliamentary elections last year were widely
    condemned for violations of fairness.

    In the just-completed presidential election, Mr. Ter-Petrossian enjoyed
    1,050 minutes of coverage on state television, compared with 65 minutes
    for his leading opponent -- a former prime minister and onetime ally
    named Vazgen Manoukian. According to international observers, the vote
    itself was marred by "significant and serious breaches in the law." The
    observers' preliminary report suggested that such breaches were not
    enough to sway the election, but now that Mr. Ter-Petrossian has claimed
    just shy of 52 percent of the vote -- he needed 50 percent to avoid a
    runoff -- the legitimacy of his victory is in strong doubt.

    Opposition rallies in the capital of Yerevan were huge and largely
    peaceful, but fighting broke out on one occasion when the election
    commission refused to order a recount. Now the incumbent has sent troops
    and tanks into the capital, imposing a virtual state of emergency.
    Opposition deputies have been beaten and kicked out of parliament.
    Troops have stormed into opposition party headquarters and shut them down.

    In the face of this, the State Department has mustered nothing more than
    to say it is following events "with great interest" while finding
    "regrettable and unfortunate" the opposition violence. What is truly
    regrettable is not just this mealy-mouthed American response but the
    sight of a small nation with a sad but courageous history watching its
    chance at self-rule being stolen.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress