Mira Yardemian
Public Relations Director
Mexique Street, Kantari, Beirut
P.O.Box. 11-1748
Riad El Solh 1107 2090
Tel: 01-353010/1/2
Haigazian University: A Thanksgiving chapel service in tribute to the
AMAA's 90th Anniversary
Beirut, 05/03/2008- On the occasion of the 90th Anniversary of the
Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA), Haigazian University
organized a special Chapel Service, paying tribute to its co-founder and
long time financial supporter. A number of students and University
Registrar Roubina Artinian participated in the leadership of the
University President, Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian, introduced the audience
with the AMAA's vast array of ministries in 22 countries, and its
leading role in supporting the Armenian community worldwide, schools,
churches, and communities.
Initially, the AMAA was founded in 1918, as a reaction to the Armenian
Genocide, to support a whole nation to reclaim its life.
Today, after 90 years of its foundation, the AMAA's span of help
outreaches needy Armenians in the homeland and the Diaspora, even
serving non-Armenian victims of disasters.
Haidostian shared with the audience two humble lessons from his personal
experience with the AMAA:
First, is the discrete method by which funds are provided to the needy.
Second, is the significant number of donors and supporters, thousands of
them, who annually contribute only small amounts that are available to
them. This proves that the human and spiritual capital is the
cornerstone on which the AMAA's mission is built.
In conclusion, Haidostian considered the AMAA as a blessing to people in
many corners of the world, including Haigazian University in Beirut,
thanking God for people whose vision is for the benefit of others.
Mira Yardemian
Public Relations Director
Mexique Street, Kantari, Beirut
P.O.Box. 11-1748
Riad El Solh 1107 2090
Tel: 01-353010/1/2
Haigazian University: A Thanksgiving chapel service in tribute to the
AMAA's 90th Anniversary
Beirut, 05/03/2008- On the occasion of the 90th Anniversary of the
Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA), Haigazian University
organized a special Chapel Service, paying tribute to its co-founder and
long time financial supporter. A number of students and University
Registrar Roubina Artinian participated in the leadership of the
University President, Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian, introduced the audience
with the AMAA's vast array of ministries in 22 countries, and its
leading role in supporting the Armenian community worldwide, schools,
churches, and communities.
Initially, the AMAA was founded in 1918, as a reaction to the Armenian
Genocide, to support a whole nation to reclaim its life.
Today, after 90 years of its foundation, the AMAA's span of help
outreaches needy Armenians in the homeland and the Diaspora, even
serving non-Armenian victims of disasters.
Haidostian shared with the audience two humble lessons from his personal
experience with the AMAA:
First, is the discrete method by which funds are provided to the needy.
Second, is the significant number of donors and supporters, thousands of
them, who annually contribute only small amounts that are available to
them. This proves that the human and spiritual capital is the
cornerstone on which the AMAA's mission is built.
In conclusion, Haidostian considered the AMAA as a blessing to people in
many corners of the world, including Haigazian University in Beirut,
thanking God for people whose vision is for the benefit of others.