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Armenian Leader Regrets Human Casualties During Opposition Rally Dis

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  • Armenian Leader Regrets Human Casualties During Opposition Rally Dis


    Public TV
    March 5 2008

    [Presenter] Armenian President Robert Kocharyan met journalists
    today and promised them that his meetings withjournalists will be
    held continually until the stabilization of the domestic political
    situation in the country.Kocharyan expressed his deep regret that it
    was not possible to avoid human casualties during the events [that
    happened in Yerevan on 1 March] and expressed his condolences to the
    families of the victims.

    Kocharyan also noted that a decision to introduce a state of emergency
    in the capital was a necessity and it wasdeclared in time.

    [Kocharyan] The course of the events showed that the introduction of
    the state of emergency was a necessity and I am sure that if it had
    not been introduced, our casualties would have been much greater and
    the consequences of the events would have been more dangerous to the
    Republic of Armenia.

    The whole picture of the events will be established minute after
    minute. There are different video materials on theevents and they
    [events] should be established in order to have an opportunity to
    assess the situation correctly. Thiswill give the law-enforcement
    agencies an opportunity to investigate these cases. The volume of the
    cases is greater.The number of people who were involved in these events
    and the venue where the events happened are also great.Therefore,
    it is necessary to ensure that the group of investigators work day
    and night to have the full picture. On my instruction, they should
    also regularly brief residents on the work they carry out. This will
    also give you anopportunity to follow the work that has been done
    and inform our population about the situation.

    We can already say today that the rally participants divided into
    three groups. The first group is those whoorganized gatherings outside
    the Yerevan mayor's office, as a result of which the population
    was provoked. Theorganizers of the rallies were also divided into
    two parts. The fist part of this group was those who provoked the
    rallyparticipants into starting clashes. A remarkable person in
    this group was [the editor of opposition Haykakan Zhamanaknewspaper]
    Nikol Pashinyan.

    Certainly, you had an opportunity to watch video materials broadcast
    on television recently. But there were alsopeople among them who
    understood that the situation was beyond their control and tried to
    calm down the rallyparticipants. For an example, [the former chief of
    the National Security Service] Davit Shahnazaryan was one of thosewho
    tried to calm down the rally participants, but the overwhelming
    majority of the participants obeyed the provocative group.

    The second group of rally participants was those who organized
    attacks on the police, using arms and explosives.Responsibility
    for the deaths lies mainly with members of this group because, as a
    result of their activities, therewere human casualties and numerous
    people were injured, i.e. over 130 people were wounded, and most of
    them werepolicemen.

    And the third group of rally participants was those who took an active
    part in looting shops. The extent of the guiltof these three groups
    is different and they should be punished differently.

    [Passage omitted: Kocharyan urged law-enforcement agencies to punish
    the organizers of the riots]

    The recent events seriously damaged Armenia's international
    reputation. We all said that Armenia is a muchstable and faster
    developing country in the region. To be honest, I feel ashamed when
    I see these video materials. I do not want to believe that these
    events were possible in our country. We should try to restore both
    the country'sreputation and the attitude towards our people that has
    taken shape in the world.