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Speak the language of law

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  • Speak the language of law

    Aravot, Armenia
    Feb 29 2008

    Speak the language of law

    by Naira Mamikonyan

    Yesterday [28 February] police officers of the Malatsia -Sebastia
    community [in Yerevan] entered the apartments of the two heads of
    [Armenian first president Levon] Ter-Petrosyan's election
    headquarters, Armenak Karagyozyan and Gagik Eghiazaryan, and without
    any explanation took them to the local police station. Later they
    were released. It is noteworthy that the two were asked the same
    question at the police station: what they were doing on Freedom

    National Security Service makes statement

    The first president's comrade-in-arms [and editor-in-chief of
    Haykakan Zhamanak newspaper] Nikol Pashinyan has called on the police
    "to speak in the language of law".

    Yesterday our newspaper reported that in the late night of 27
    February, the people [protesters] who provided security at the rally
    on Freedom Square arrested two young men who have been making calls
    on the protesters to act violently against the authorities. They were
    "summoned" to Levon Ter-Petrosyan. The young men admitted that they
    were employees of the National Security Service [NSS] of Armenia and
    were present at the square on personal orders of the head of the
    National Security Service, Gorik Hakobyan. Eavesdropping devices,
    audio records and some notes were found on them. The police officers
    invited at the scene took the agents away.

    In this connection, yesterday the NSS disseminated a curious
    statement which said the participants of the "illegal" rally had
    captured "two NSS officers presented by them as `provocateurs'". The
    statement further read: "The National Security Service of the
    Republic of Armenia, performing the responsibilities vested on it by
    law on securing the constitutional order and providing safety of the
    rally-goers, announces that due to the efforts of NSS officers, a
    large quantity of weapons, ammunition, poisonous and explosive
    substances have been recently found on extremists at the unauthorized
    rallies." It also noted that the NSS acted only for the sake of
    people and provision of security of the rally-goers.

    We [Aravot] stress that over all this time only two "pro-extremism"
    persons have been unmasked, and those appeared to be the NSS
    officers. By the way, it was their behaviour that attracted attention
    of the participants of the peaceful action as well as the volunteers
    who provided their safety [at the rally venue].

    But the most absurd is the last paragraph of the NSS statement: "We
    once again assure that the NSS jointly with the police will continue
    to perform their duties vested by the law, and warns some hot heads
    that any attempts to prevent us from the execution of official
    activities will lead to strict responsibility envisaged by the law."
    And this means that "some hot heads", in this case the [NSS] agents,
    will continue to call for violence at the square, and any attempt to
    stop them will lead to "strict responsibility". Nikol Pashinyan
    considers that "provocateurs should have made calls for overthrowing
    the authorities so that [authorities] have grounds for the arrest of
    opposition activists".

    Acts of force against opposition

    Let's turn to the cases of rights violations and arrests which took
    place in the past days. As a reminder, in the evening of 27 February
    two students were taken to the police station of the capital's
    Kentron community from the territory adjacent to Freedom Square. When
    MPs Zaruhi Postanjyan and Stepan Safaryan came to the police station
    to learn why the young men were arrested, a group of people in plain
    clothes initiated a scuffle with them, and then pushed them out of
    the building with force. The same people took away a microphone from
    a Radio Liberty correspondent and threw it from the window.

    This is not the first time the police have committed such illegal
    actions against members of National Assembly and journalists. We
    recall that similar cases took place on the voting day [on 19
    February] at some polling stations. Yesterday on Freedom Square
    police officers tried to hamper the work of a cameraman Gagik
    Shamshyan of Aravot and Chorrord Ishkhanutyun papers [affiliated to
    opposition]. The person, who assaulted the media representative and
    used bad language, was Lt-Col Araik Petrosyan, who is notorious for
    multiple cases of using force against journalists.

    We recall, it was the same Araik Petrosyan who on 23 October 2007 hit
    a female journalist of Chorrord Ishkhanutyun newspaper Gohar Veziryan
    reporting from the peaceful demonstration of the opposition. Prior to
    this, he rudely treated A1+ correspondent Diana Markosyan. It is
    noteworthy that during the rule of the incumbent authorities there
    has been no punishment for a skinhead or a policeman abusing his
    rights for attacking MPs and journalists.