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BAKU: Azeri DM warns Armenia against provocation on front line

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  • BAKU: Azeri DM warns Armenia against provocation on front line

    Azad Azarbaycan TV, Azerbaijan
    March 7 2008

    Azeri defence minister warns Armenia against provocation on front

    [Presenter] The national army has given a worthy response to the
    Armenian army which violated the cease-fire. Defence Minister Safar
    Abiyev who visited Tartar District said that the violation of the
    cease-fire by Armenia was aimed at diverting attention from the
    domestic political situation in that country.

    [Correspondent] The Armenian armed forces attempted to launch an
    offensive in the Tartar District sector of the front line on 4 March.
    This attempt was foiled, Safar Abiyev who visited Tartar District
    said while commenting on the cease-fire violation. The enemy's army
    was also prevented from using military hardware on the front line.

    [Safar Abiyev] The Armenians launched an offensive, and as soon as
    they launched it, they got their response. They tried to concentrate
    hardware there, and we did not allow them and responded to them. We
    did not allow them to use hardware.

    [Correspondent] Linking the cease-fire violation to the domestic
    political situation in Armenia, Safar Abiyev said that in this way,
    Armenian officials are trying to eliminate the chaos inside their
    country and divert attention to Nagornyy Karabakh.

    [Abiyev] The situation in Armenia is very tense, and they are trying
    to divert the attention of the whole Armenian people to Nagornyy
    Karabakh. That's it.

    [Correspondent] At the same time, Safar Abiyev warned the Armenians.
    If Armenia tries to carry out another provocation, it will get an
    even more effective answer, end quote.

    Irada Mammadova, Hafiz Huseynoglu, Eldaniz Valiyev, "Son Xabar",