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State of emergency must be lifted, those arrested freed - LTP

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  • State of emergency must be lifted, those arrested freed - LTP

    Interfax News Agency, Russia
    Russia & CIS Military Newswire
    March 6, 2008 Thursday

    State of emergency must be lifted, those arrested freed -

    YEREVAN March 6

    Armenia's former president Levon Ter-Petrosian, who was defeated in
    the February 19 presidential election, has said the state of
    emergency in Yerevan should be lifted, those arrested should be freed
    and an international investigation launched into the unrest in city.

    "Many of my supporters were arrested. They are important witnesses
    who can provide valuable information about election irregularities,"
    Ter-Petrosian told the Constitutional Court.

    The Constitutional Court was hearing Ter-Petrosian's request for the
    annulment of the official election returns.

    "Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan, as a presidential candidate, has
    continued to perform his government duties, which is another
    violation of the constitution," he said.

    Ter-Petrosian also said that, "the state of emergency must be lifted,
    all those arrested must be freed, the situation must be covered
    evenly by all mass media, an international probe must be launched
    into the unrest in Yerevan and a dialogue started between the
    opposition and the government."

    "Otherwise, the Constitutional Court's rulings will lack legitimacy.
    I do not know how this fact will be taken by the people and by the
    international public," he said.