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NATO has its interests in S. Caucasus - NATO PA leader

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  • NATO has its interests in S. Caucasus - NATO PA leader

    Interfax News Agency, Russia
    Russia & CIS Military Newswire
    March 6, 2008 Thursday

    NATO has its interests in S. Caucasus - NATO PA leader

    BAKU. March 6 (Azerbaijan) - NATO has its interests in the South
    Caucasus, said Jose Lello, president of the NATO Parliamentary

    The measures being taken by the alliance prove this, he told
    journalists on Thursday. It shows that we have our own interests in
    this region, he said.

    South Caucasus countries are taking quite an active part in NATO
    events, Lello added.

    At the Rose-Roth seminar in Baku, we will discuss frozen conflicts,
    including Karabakh, South Ossetia and Abkhazia, he said.

    The Rose-Roth seminar will be attended for the first time by
    officials from Central Asia, in particular from Kazakhstan,
    Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, he said.

    The NATO PA played and is playing a significant role in preparing
    candidate countries and their parliaments to join the alliance, Lello
    said. For the first time NATO is expanding its interests to a wider
    format. We are now paying attention to the Balkans, countries in the
    South Caucasus, Central Asia, Afghanistan and the Middle East, he