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UN Sec-Gen issues congratulatory msg on International Women's Day

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  • UN Sec-Gen issues congratulatory msg on International Women's Day

    UN Secretary-General issues a congratulatory message on International
    Women's Day
    08.03.2008 11:48

    At the 2005 World Summit, Governments of all nations agreed that
    `progress for women is progress for all'. Yet the 10-year review of the
    implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action revealed a serious
    gap between policy and practice in many countries. A lack of political
    will is reflected in the most telling way of all: lack of resources and
    insufficient budgetary allocations. That is why the theme of this
    International Women's Day is `Investing in Women and Girls'.

    This failure of funding undermines not only our endeavors for gender
    equality and women's empowerment as such; it also holds back our
    efforts to reach all the Millennium Development Goals. As we know from
    long and indisputable experience, investing in women and girls has a
    multiplier effect on productivity and sustained economic growth. No
    measure is more important in advancing education and health, including
    the prevention of HIV/AIDS. No other policy is as likely to improve
    nutrition, or reduce infant and maternal mortality.

    We do have some progress to build on. Financial resources have been
    mobilized in increasing women's employment, enhancing the role of
    microfinance, advancing credit for enterprises for women, and driving
    public finance reforms. More than 50 countries have launched
    gender-responsive budgeting initiatives. The private sector is scaling
    up efforts to finance women's economic empowerment, and women's funds
    and foundations are emerging as innovative sources of financing.

    But we must do more. All of us in the international community --
    Governments, multilateral Organizations, bilateral institutions and the
    private sector -- need to calculate the economic costs of persistent
    gender inequality, and the resources required to remedy it. We need to
    create mechanisms for tracking investments in gender equality. We need
    to monitor and report resource allocations on a regular basis. We need
    to adjust domestic budgets as well as international aid flows to real
    needs, and ensure that they are sustained.

    In the United Nations family too, we need to better match demands with
    resources. The resources available for gender mainstreaming must be
    made more sustainable and predictable -- particularly at the regional
    and country levels. And to make a real difference, our gender-specific
    machinery needs funding that is commensurate with the challenges. I
    firmly believe that one dynamic and strengthened gender entity,
    consolidating resources currently scattered among several structures,
    would attract better funding from the donor community. By mobilizing
    forces of change at the global level, and inspiring enhanced results at
    the country level, such an entity would better advance our cause to
    empower women and realize gender equality worldwide. I urge Member
    States to muster the political will to bring the consultations on this
    issue to a successful conclusion.

    This year we find ourselves at the mid-point in the race to reach the
    Millennium Development Goals by the target date of 2015. Only by
    investing in the world's women and girls can we expect to reach our
    destination. On this International Women's Day, let us resolve to unite
    in this mission.