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Azerbaijan: A Failed Military Adventure

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  • Azerbaijan: A Failed Military Adventure

    AZERBAIJAN: A FAILED MILITARY ADVENTURE amp;p=0&id=376&y=2008&m=03&d=10
    06 .03.08

    Today our interlocutor is the Commandant of the Institute for National
    Strategic Studies of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of
    Armenia, Major General, Doctor of Political Sciences Hayk Kotanjian. We
    are interested in his evaluation of the contradictory interpretations
    of the armed conflict on March 4, 2008, on the contact line of the
    Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Defense Army of
    the Nagorno Karabakh Republic in the vicinity of Mardakert.

    The comments by the Armenian and Azerbaijani sides on the recent
    violation of the cease-fire in Karabakh are radically opposite. How
    would you comment on the recent incident on the contact line in

    The facts are as follows. In the morning of March 4, a subversive group
    of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, violating the cease-fire regime,
    occupied one of the posts of the NKR Defense Army. As a result two
    soldiers of the Defense Army were wounded. In connection with this
    fact, at the request of the Karabakh side the leadership of the RA
    Armed Forces informed the OSCE representative Mr. A. Kasprzhik about
    it, as well as with the view of immediate restoration of the status
    quo and the cease-fire regime. The leadership of the RA Armed Forces
    also tried to get into direct telephone contact with the leadership
    of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, while the Ministry of Defense
    of Azerbaijan informed that Minister Abiyev wasn't able to enter
    upon telephone negotiations due to his business. The Armenian side,
    according to the warfare rules, took all the appropriate retaliatory
    measures, dislodged the Azerbaijani soldiers from their occupied post
    and restored status quo on the contact line.

    As a result of successful armed activities by the NKR Defense Army
    sub-units, the Armenian military leadership in response to the appeal
    of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, informed about the readiness to
    provide an opportunity for evacuation of the Azerbaijani soldiers'
    corpses from the armed conflict territory. The validity of the given
    facts is known to the OSCE.

    The political interpretation by the Azerbaijani experts circulating
    in mass media is that the Armenian side has initiated the incident
    in order to detract the Armenian people's attention from the state of
    emergency declared in Yerevan. In your opinion what is the political
    motive of suchlike assessment?

    The failed sortie by the Azerbaijani army is being actively discussed
    among the Baku's governmental and public circles and individual
    experts in mass media, in order to impose upon the Azerbaijani and
    the international communities their own version of the incident. The
    failed attempt by the Azerbaijani army to examine the Armenian
    positions through an action during the hard times of restoring internal
    stability in Armenia is being interpreted by the Azerbaijani side from
    opposite perspective. The Azerbaijani side accuses the Armenians in the
    authorship and responsibility of this bloody adventure. Baku brings
    up false figures of supposedly died Armenian soldiers, underlying
    the fighting heroism of the Azerbaijani army.

    Despite the verifiable facts, this very obfuscation of facts aims
    at concealing the failure of the Azerbaijani bloody adventure
    and providing the international and expert communities with an
    interpretation of the incident in favour of Baku's political interests
    - facing the ordeal of the forthcoming challenges of the presidential
    election campaign.

    The interpretation by the Azerbaijani side, based upon rigid
    falsifications of facts and exploitation of the emergency situation
    declared in Armenia, is an attempt to manipulate the opinions of
    the Armenian and Azerbaijani peoples, as well as the international
    community, interested in maintaining peace and stability in the
    South Caucasus.