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The Armenian Weekly; March 8, 2008; Features

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  • The Armenian Weekly; March 8, 2008; Features

    The Armenian Weekly On-Line
    80 Bigelow Avenue
    Watertown MA 02472 USA
    (617) 926-3974
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    The Armenian Weekly; Volume 74, No. 9; March 8, 2008


    1. An Interview with Hilmar Kaiser
    By Khatchig Mouradian

    2. Book Review: Armenian Photographers
    By Lola Koundakjian

    3. Bach Society Showcases Demirjian's Musical Explorations
    By Andy Turpin

    4. Poetry: E V E
    By Tatul Sonentz


    1. An Interview with Hilmar Kaiser
    By Khatchig Mouradian

    Hilmar Kaiser is a scholar of the Armenian genocide who is also known in
    scholarly circles and the Armenian community for the controversy he
    generates with some of his lectures and interviews. We first sat down at the
    editorial offices of the Aztag Daily in Beirut on Sept. 22, 2005, for a
    fascinating interview about the Ottoman archives and the Armenian genocide.
    Kaiser received his PhD from the European University Institute in Florence,
    Italy. He specializes in Ottoman social and economic history as well as the
    Armenian genocide. He has done research in more than 60 archives worldwide,
    including the Ottoman Archives in Istanbul.
    His published works-monographs, edited volumes and articles-include
    "Imperialism, Racism, and Development Theories: The Construction of a
    Dominant Paradigm on Ottoman Armenians," "At the Crossroads of Der Zor:
    Death Survival and Humanitarian Resistance in Aleppo, 1915-1917," "The
    Baghdad Railway and the Armenian Genocide, 1915-1916: A Case Study in German
    Resistance and Complicity," "1915-1916 Ermeni Soykirimi Sirasinda Ermeni
    Mulkleri, Osmanli Hukuku ve Milliyet Politikalari," "Le genocide armenien:
    negation a 'l'allemande'" and "From Empire to Republic: The Continuities for
    Turkish Denial."
    In this interview, conducted in Boston in Dec. 2007, Kaiser discusses the
    archives and speaks about his views on Turkish scholars-both the liberals
    and state-sponsored genocide deniers.

    Khatchig Mouradian-Let's talk about your Turkish colleagues and how they
    approach the Armenian issue.
    Hilmar Kaiser-When I looked in Turkey over the past year for organized
    "academic" treatment of the Armenian issue, I could identify at least eight
    centers, which are in competition with each other; and then, within the
    centers there is competition. What you have there is a flourishing chaos.
    This is also understandable because the Turkish government puts money into
    it. The government puts money into the project without having a right
    assessment, so they burn a lot of money on staff that has zero impact.
    There has to be a realization in certain circles-especially at the Turkish
    Historical Society-that this level doesn't suffice. Some people claim "our
    product is inefficient because it's only in Turkish and no one can read it."
    They should understand that it is good that no one can read it, because once
    it is translated, it will do more damage than anything else. Some authors
    areas if talking in their own bathroom.
    But now within the Turkish Historical Society and among some others there is
    agreement that production has to meet U.S. University press standards and
    anything else is a total waste of time.
    We agreed that we disagree, and then we had discussions about the concept of
    genocide, we have now discussed joint projects. It's something else if that
    will happen or not, but we at least explored what can be done together, in
    areas where basically you wouldn't burn the house. After two and a half
    years in the Turkish archives, they got used to me being in Turkey, there
    was no scandal, slowly they got used that I am a reality and they get more
    comfortable and confident about the situation.
    Personally, I have no problem talking to official historians or genocide
    deniers because these guys have the nationalist credentials. They don't have
    to prove that they're not Armenian spies so they are very cool about it.
    They are very surprised that I don't talk to the "liberals" about it, and I
    tell them very clearly that it is, in my view, a self-deception to think
    that a few Turkish scholars-regardless of how good or how bad their work is,
    how respectable or unrespectable they are-who represent a very small layer,
    a very privileged layer of Turkish society, the société, the upper one
    percent, will change the country.
    These people teach at very few places where very few students go to and they
    basically dismiss a whole state university system with tens of thousands of
    history students. So I just ignore them. If you want to talk to people who
    train the teachers in Turkey, who go to countrywide universities, you have
    to talk to other people.
    >From a German perspective-I am German and it inspires me given the dialogue
    of the 1970s and 1980s between east and west-it was always clear that
    engaging the other side is inevitable and you make them part of the
    solution. We can't get rid of all of those we don't like and then start
    everything from the beginning, because these people will fight to the end if
    they have nothing to lose. Respectable scholarship has nothing to do with
    the name of the person who has written it-it is assessed on its own merit.
    So people might change and agreements might replace disagreements. Never
    give up too easy.
    There's a substance on which you can move on and I have been involved in it
    during the last few years. There are hopeless cases among historians in
    Turkey, of course. At one dinner, one outed himself as a fan of Adolf
    Hitler. In Germany, I would report him to the police and he wouldn't leave
    the country for what he said. This was, at the same time, Holocaust denial,
    racism and a call for inter-ethnic violence. You don't have to deal with
    those guys. There are clear standards. These standards are not to be
    compromised. But the other guys, I don't boycott them, clearly.

    K.M.-You criticize the liberal scholars. But most of the decent scholarship
    by Turks on the Armenian genocide is done by the liberal scholars and not
    the ones on the state's payroll, am I wrong?
    H.K.-You have to look at the footnotes. Every book tells you what you have
    done, at least what you claim to have done. Much of it is based on published
    resources. It shows that they are not at the cutting edge. If you want
    original research on a certain issue, given the low state of our knowledge
    because of archival issues and other issues, you have to put in the time.
    All these concepts about the Armenian genocide are developed on
    generalization of a very narrow source basis. We have developed a lot of
    Holy Grail items that we hear over and over again, but these are
    generalizations of local events that didn't necessarily spread. There is a
    lot of crap that we have to throw out, and we have the documents to make
    that point. One has to be more humble and more relaxed about it and be
    careful about one's findings.

    K.M.-Talk about your relation with the head of theTurkish Historical Society
    Yusuf Halacoglu.
    H.K.-I met him at the Istanbul conference almost two years ago. Then I
    visited him at the Historical Society's conference about a year ago, where
    he received me in a very friendly manner. Then we had little contact and I
    visited him in June and in November again. Halacoglu is the only Turkish
    historian who has put material on the table I cannot reconcile with my
    current knowledge. He is an extremely smart guy, very professional. He is
    ahead of me in some regards.

    K.M.-Why do you say that?
    H.K.-He has the material on the prosecution of war criminals during the war.
    Meanwhile, I have obtained my own copy of the material, but there has to be
    academic respect-it means, he has the right to publish it first.
    According to this material, people who stole money, killed etc., were
    punished. The list identifies the perpetrators, what they did and what their
    punishment was. We know, for example, that the murderers of Zohrab and
    Vartkes Effendi were executed by Djemal, and there were other executions.
    People who stole money from the Armenian population and put it in their own
    pocket instead of transferring it to the government got punished. We know
    this but we need a careful analysis of it. We have no decisive answer yet.

    K.M.-But they aren't punishing them for stealing from the Armenians, are
    H.K.-We haven't researched that. This element is surely part of it, but do
    we really fully account for it?

    K.M.-How would you qualify Halacoglu's scholarship.
    H.K.-The book on the 16th century is very good.

    K.M.-No, I mean his scholarship on the Armenian genocide.
    H.K.-This is not so easy, you have to see who is he. He is the
    representative of the Turkish state. If there is a real debate between
    persons with intellect and command of sources, Halacoglu leads the Turkish
    Dismissing him for past weak scholarship or political fanaticism-or whatever
    argument you want to bring up and you may even have something in support of
    your point-will not necessarily be productive. Don't underestimate Yusuf
    Halacoglu. I respect him. I might disagree with him emphatically but I'm
    comfortable that I don't have a fight with him at this point. The academic
    resources of an entire state converge on this one person. The Armenians have
    nobody coming even close to the shadow of him.
    On the other hand, he is not antagonistic like the fascist I just mentioned.
    Halacoglu is interested in dialogue, the question is on what terms. He has
    no problem to talk with me, to talk with others.

    K.M.-The way you are describing a notorious genocide denier might come as a
    surprise to many.
    H.K.-First of all, the description of deniers as a group is false. You have
    people who are fully paid talking heads who have nothing to offer; they are,
    unfortunately, the people who write the briefs for Erdogan when he goes
    abroad. Then you have the kind of politically well-connected third-rate
    academic creatures who are only interested in escalating the situation
    because they can only live on escalation, because they have nothing to
    offer. And then you have people who have serious disagreements with you.
    The way Turkish materials have been used in one recent English-language
    publication in this country-which is celebrated as great research-is totally
    unscholarly. The celebration is there because no one is able to check the
    sources. If that publication had been an Armenian genocide denial
    publication, there would have been an outcry. Same methods of
    misrepresentation of sources, speculation, you name it. It's all there.

    K.M.-Can you give a concrete example?
    H.K.-For example, one scholar claims that the president of the Ottoman
    Chamber was going to Germany in March 1915 to coordinate the decision of the
    Armenian genocide, and he gives the source. The source says exactly the
    opposite. I don't want to go now into detail because I am publishing it.

    K.M.-Talk about the Ottoman archives. What has changed in the past couple
    of years?
    H.K.-The Directorate for Demography in the Ministry of the Interior was
    reopened. This collection was open for some time in the 1990s and was closed
    for at least two years since 2005. This was a reopening, not a new opening
    of collections.
    The opening of other files is rapid, tremendous. They have opened the
    Ministry of the Interior files for the Abdul-Hamidian period until the
    second constitutional period. This is massive.
    They have also opened the files of the Paris embassy and they are opening
    more embassy files now. This is at a pace that has never been there.
    However, there are still files-collections we spoke of in our previous
    interview, like the files of the so-called abandoned property
    commissions-that are not made available. We also don't have possibly the
    most crucial files on WWI concerning the Armenians, because they were
    removed in 1919 from the files that were opened so far and have been put in
    a new collection for the purposes of the government. So this is not-as some
    people now claim-a cleansing of archives. This is just that certain files
    were carried from one office to another office in the context of
    administrative organization. This stuff, from what I understand, is not
    going to be opened soon, not because the archivists are not motivated, not
    because they are not interested, but simply because you have so many people
    and so much work. There is a lack of resources.
    There is no political opposition now towards declassification and
    processing. What they simply don't have is sufficient resources, which is

    K.M.-What is the significance of the embassy files regarding the Armenian
    H.K.-I haven't worked with this, but, for example, the catalogs indicate
    that the embassy files of London, St. Petersburg, Paris provide a lot of
    insight into the massacres of the 1890s. Also, the embassies were spying
    outposts. They were spying on the Armenian diaspora communities and the
    spying was directed by the Ministry of the Interior through the embassies.
    So you find a lot of Ministry of the Interior material in embassy files and
    you find embassy reports to the Ministry of the Interior. This is very
    important because we might have lost some material-physically totally
    rotten-because of maintenance problems. So you might lose the draft in the
    Ministry of Interior file but since the letter went out to the embassy, you
    can have it in the embassy file, because the Paris embassy had a better
    storage facility. Some of these files have been very recently repatriated,
    which is exciting.

    K.M.-You are talking about hundreds of thousands of files, and among them,
    thousands of files might have relevance regarding the Armenian issue. How
    many people are actually involved in researching these files?
    H.K.-There is increasing interest among Turkish historians in Istanbul and
    the provinces who have not been involved in organized campaigns so far
    against Turkish "traitors" who say it was a genocide or against "Armenian
    allegations." But what has transpired now during my talks is that the
    Armenians have become a topic. One scholar is publishing 16th-century tax
    registers from Yerevan-in Istanbul, not Yerevan. This has nothing to do with
    the genocide but is very important for Armenian history. We have
    19th-century income tax registers, 1840s, very important again. So where we
    are going right now is a periodization of the Armenian cause/issue/problem,
    as it is called in Turkey. The people no longer mix together the Tanzimat
    era, Abdul-Hamid era, second constitutional period with the genocide and
    then the occupation period. We see now increasingly very well-respected and
    motivated scholars working on it not just because they want to prove or
    disprove something-that might be just one aspect in it-but because there is
    interest in the material.
    >From the outside, Dr. Taner Akcam was there some time ago for three weeks,
    and now he lectures us on the Ottoman archives, for which I'm very thankful.
    Then, Garabed Moumdjian was there with me in 2006 for two weeks working on
    the Young Turks on the ARF. He has sent shock waves through the whole
    establishment. Every time I think about it I'm laughing. An Armenian walked
    in, he spoke better Turkish than the Turks, he read Ottoman, handwritten
    documents like we read the New York Times, he talked to the archival staff
    in Arabic... The idea of the ARF, fanatic, blood-drinking killer and so on
    got a devastating blow. There's no one else. He's the only Armenian who went
    there possibly in decades (before, only Ara Sarafian went). Which shows that
    these programs, whatever they do, don't do one thing: They don't bring
    people to that point where many people had hoped they would bring them. So
    we're at that point and, this year, it seems I was alone.

    K.M.-There's so much research that needs to be done in these archives. Why
    is the interest by scholars from outside Turkey so little?
    H.K.-I was criticized by some less-informed elements in the Armenian
    diaspora for going to the archives because now they cannot say it's closed
    anymore. Why did we push for having it open if we don't want it open? For
    some people, this was obviously just political talk. I have to be very
    critical about this. All these donations the community put into research,
    obviously none of it is coming there. So when I am going there, people
    should not think that I am going on an Armenian ticket. If there was five
    percent Armenian money in it, it would be nice.
    My colleagues ask me in Turkey where all these Armenians are. They feared
    that the moment they opened the door, a mob would raid their place. So you
    had basically the cavalry waiting for the Indians to attack and in four to
    five years one lone Indian has showed up. And so they understand that their
    projections of a big Armenian conspiracy is just a formulation of their own
    fears that has relatively little to do with reality.
    When I say the archives are open, it's limited, clear, but there certainly
    is no excuse not to do it. It's a very simple thing. Crucial evidence, about
    whose existence we know, is not available at this time. But there is no
    excuse not to exhaust what they have made available, because this has to be
    done anyhow. If people say, Well we want to see the rest and then we'll do
    something, well that is unprofessional. One has to be at the cutting edge of
    research. I think this kind of concept is not present.

    K.M.-What do you think about Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan's proposal for a
    joint historical commission?
    H.K.-A commission would have little to do. We have gone pretty well through
    the Ottoman archives and not much is left on World War I. So what should a
    commission do? Xerox the documents a second time? That would be perfect
    nonsense. The cataloging of WWI files has to make rapid progress to provide
    an archival basis for a commission. The issue is an illustration that
    Erdogan does not have the best advisors when it comes to the Armenian
    genocide. These people develop ideas without checking first whether the
    pre-conditions for their own proposal exist within their own institutions.
    Another matter is getting rid of such obstacles as Article 301. I cannot
    expect anyone to agree with me when that would mean he would be regarded as
    a criminal for doing so. The AKP government in Ankara has inherited a mess
    created by its predecessors over decades. So it is small steps for the time
    being, while hoping that the AKP does its homework and continues its overall
    positive course.
    ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ---

    2. Book Review: Armenian Photographers
    By Lola Koundakjian

    Late in 2007, a 500-page volume titled Hai Lousangarichner (Armenian
    Photographers) was published in Armenia. This volume may be out of reach for
    most diasporans, but it is a must for collectors, scholars and lovers of
    This impressive self-published encyclopedia, authored by Vahan Kochar, is a
    labor of love. It is dedicated to the memory of his father, photographer
    Andranik Kochar, whose lifelong dream was to publish a similar book.
    The volume begins with a historical overview of mid 19th to early
    20th-century Armenian photography, with reproductions of stamps and business
    cards of studios representing a geographical region as vast as Fresno to
    Central Asia.
    Various cities where Armenian photographers were already active in that era
    include Kars, Ardahan and Nor Nakhichevan, documenting everyday life,
    Armenian monuments in their immediate region, and court photographers who
    specialized in historic portraiture. Of importance as well are the diasporan
    communities of Europe, the U.S. and the Middle East, which were equally
    active in this art form during the same period.
    The extend of this geographical reach and the level of early expertise and
    renown allows us to conclude that no other visual art has been marked by
    Armenian artists globally as much as photography.
    The second part of the book is an alphabetical listing of 19th-century to
    contemporary Armenian photographers, with biographical notes and examples of
    their work. World famous photographers and photojournalists such as Ara
    Guler, Arto Kavuk, Yousuf Karsh, Andranik Kochar, Harry Koundakjian and
    Arthur Tcholakian have extended entries of several pages.
    Although extensive, the encyclopedia lacks several important materials,
    which I hope will be remedied in future editions. First and foremost, it
    does not have a table of content, indices or maps. Most photos are not dated
    and provide no source listings, copyright information, nor the names of
    collections, museums or whether they are in the hands of private collectors
    and estates. There are also very few Armenian women photographers listed in
    the encyclopedia.
    An alphabetical list of names in other languages and an index by
    geographical regions would be most useful to anyone researching Armenian
    photography; they should be able to use this volume without starting the
    research from scratch as the encyclopedia uses mostly the Soviet Armenian
    spelling of names.
    Vahan Kochar states in the opening remarks of the book that his father
    wished to open a museum in Yerevan to house an exhibit space, a research
    center, a photo-laboratory and a conference hall. After reading his
    impressive book, one wonders why Armenia does not already have such a


    Mr. Kochar informed me via email that international language editions are
    planned pending resources. Asked if he has collaborated with any museums and
    collections overseas for material or technical resources, he said that he
    did not get any such support, however he would be happy to collaborate in
    the future.
    Mr. Kochar is presently working on a three-volume manuscript on Armenian
    photography, as well as his father's lifelong dream of a Museum of
    Photography in Yerevan.
    Contents of the book may be viewed at
    The volume Armenian Photographers is not currently available outside of
    Armenia, but may be ordered directly from the author. Contact Vahan Kochar
    by emailing [email protected].
    ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------

    3. Bach Society Showcases Demirjian's Musical Explorations
    By Andy Turpin

    CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (A.W.)-On Feb. 29, Harvard's Bach Society Orchestra
    presented at Paine Hall the third concert of its 53rd season (2008).
    The concert featured pianist Charlie Albright (Harvard '11) and composer
    Elizabeth Lim (Harvard '08) as the stars of the evening.
    First on the program was the orchestra's rendition of Igor Stravinsky's
    "Suite No. 1 for Small Orchestra."
    Music historian David H. Miller was quoted in the program notes, saying of
    the piece, "Composed from 1914-17, Suite No. 1 is composed of the first four
    of the Five Easy Pieces, 'Andante,' 'Napolitana,' 'Espanola,' and
    'Balalaika.' All of the movements are very short and relatively simple. The
    'Espanola' was possibly inspired by Stravinsky's recent visit to Spain, his
    first, and although he cites in his autobiography that Spanish folk music
    was 'no revelation' for him, its influence can be felt in this movement. The
    final movement is inspired not by Spanish culture but by that of Stravinsky's
    homeland [Russia]."
    The orchestra then presented a playing of Lim's original composition "Night
    Dance Ritual."
    Lim wrote of "Night Dance Ritual," the winner of the 2007-08 Bach Society
    Composition Competition: "Completed during my summer studies at the Brevard
    Music Institute in July 2006, the piece pays homage to.North Carolina's
    eerily pitch-black nights providing inspiration for the piece's atmosphere."
    Just prior to intermission the orchestra presented Ravel's "Le Tombeau de
    Couperin." Miller is quoted in the program notes as stating of the piece,
    "Ravel composed the work from 1914 to 1917, during the First World War.each
    of the movements is dedicated to one of his friends who perished during the
    Post intermission, Albright took the stage on the piano to play Tchaikovsky's
    "Piano Concerto No.1 in B-flat Minor" as the pinnacle of the evening.
    Albright's playing of the "Allegro non troppo e molto maestoso" evoked at
    times sentiments of enchanted woodlands and gay European boulevards. His
    final "Allegro con fuoco" was parlance to his clever droll-schoolboy style
    of musical bravado that would have been just as fitting for an Edwardian
    salon and brought audience members to their feet in thunderous applause.
    Elizabeth Lim (b. 1986) is a native of the San Francisco Bay area and began
    her musical studies at the age of 4. Her first composition, "Imagine that I'm
    a Ballerina," received honors at the National Parent Teachers' Association
    Reflections Contest in 1992. Lim continued to pursue her musical studies,
    entering the Preparatory Division of the San Francisco Conservatory of Music
    to study piano, composition and voice in 1997. While a junior in high
    school, Lim was elected a member of the California Young Composer's Guild,
    sponsored by the Music Teachers' Association in California (MTAC).
    In December 2007, Lim was named the Emerging Composer-in-Residence of the
    Berkeley Symphony for their 2008 concert season. As part of her residency,
    Lim will compose several new works for the symphony, as well as receive a
    performance of her new work for orchestra.
    Charles Albright (b. 1988) is a native from Centralia, Wash., and has been
    playing the piano since the age of 3 and a half to critical acclaim.
    Albright was the first place winner of the 2006 Eastman International Piano
    Competition at the University of Rochester's Eastman School of Music in
    July/August 2006, and all other prizes therein, including that for the Best
    Performance in a Mater Class, the Best Performance of a 21st Century Work,
    and the Audience Prize; the first place winner of both the Solo and Ensemble
    Divisions of the 2006 Biennial NY Piano Competition at the Manhattan School
    of Music in June 2006.
    Aram Demirjian (Harvard '08) from Lexington, Mass., is a music and
    government concentrator in Adams House. As the 2006-07 music director of the
    Bach Society Orchestra, he led the orchestra in repertoire including
    Mendelssohn's "Sottish Symphony," Barber's "Adagio for Strings," Mozart's
    "Prague Symphony," and Beethoven's "Egmont Overture" and "7th Symphony." The
    2007-08 season is Aram's second as music director.
    The Bach Society Orchestra has been an official undergraduate organization
    of Harvard University since the 1954-55 academic year. At its founding, the
    orchestra loosely devoted itself to performing the music of J.S. Bach. Since
    then, the repertoire has grown to span the historical continuum from baroque
    to contemporary.
    ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ----------

    4. E V E

    I met you
    As an insider
    Floating all alone
    In the dark waters of
    Conception and assembly -
    A time period that lasted longer
    Than for the Creator himself
    To dream up, misconceive
    To conjure and to mold
    This chaotic cosmos
    In solitary haste.

    I sniffed
    And choked
    On your blood
    In my savage trip
    >From dark to light
    >From calm to clamor
    As I hung upside down
    Screaming in terror
    And to force two
    Novice lungs
    To survive
    On air.

    I dug my fingers
    In your full breasts
    For comfort and food
    Worshiped you as mother
    Rejected you as consort
    To your husband's
    Pandering lust
    And desire.

    I had you
    As my sister
    And loved you
    As such and shared
    You with her who
    In fact is none
    Other than

    Aunt, niece, sister
    Schoolmarm, schoolmate
    Playmate and girlfriend
    Sweetheart, fiancée
    Spouse, partner.
    And much

    I met you
    In the Scriptures
    Cavorting in the shade
    Of the lone tree of desire
    With snakelike roots
    And enticing fruit
    Forever stuck
    In Adam's

    >From fair Eden
    Your heel now seeks
    The head of the serpent
    To crush or to stand erect
    On the apple-chocked
    Throat or the supine
    Neck of Adam -
    Your sinning

    Tatul Sonentz


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress