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NKR: Azerbaijan Trying To Reduce Neutral Area Width

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  • NKR: Azerbaijan Trying To Reduce Neutral Area Width


    11.03.2008 14:03 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ "For over eight years the Azerbaijani side has been
    attempting to bring its outposts closer to our positions, reducing
    the width of the neutral area. Experience shows that the ceasefire
    is often violated in those places where the outposts of the conflict
    sides are closer," said Masis Mayilyan, former Deputy Foreign Minister
    of the Nagrono Karabakh Republic.

    "The roots of the escalation on the line of contact should be sought
    in the absence of distinct mechanisms of control of cease-fire. The
    activities of the office of the personal representative of the OSCE
    CiO are necessary but not sufficient," he said.

    "The recent events in Martakert caused a heated debate within
    the international community. It is evident that the countries
    and organizations involved in the peace process over Karabakh are
    interested in maintaining peace and stability in our region. Since
    regional stability is both in our interest and in the interest of the
    key regional actors, it would be advisable to launch consultation
    with the OSCE and the mediating countries to work out mechanisms
    of maintenance of ceasefire. During the consultation, NKR as one of
    the sides in the conflict could come up with an initiative to hold
    monitoring more frequently by the civilian observers of the OSCE, and
    in the second stage the international control could become permanent,"
    he said.

    "During the talks it is necessary to consider the issue of setting
    up and dispatching a new OSCE observation mission to the region,
    since expanding the staff and powers of the office of the personal
    representative of the OSCE CiO will be beneficial. In order to raise
    the effectiveness of mechanisms of control it is necessary to enlarge
    the neutral area through restoring the status quo post bellum. In other
    words, the Azerbaijani troops should return to the positions which
    they used to occupy in May 1994. The exact coordinates of the line of
    contact should be presented by the relevant agencies of the Minsk Group
    countries, as well as the OSCE office, the representatives of which
    have been monitoring the line for over a decade. In this situation,
    initiatives by NKR can not only raise the level of physical security
    of our citizens but also underline that NKR is a party," Mr Mayilyan
    resumed, KarabakhOpen reports.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress