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AGRC Calls on Israel FM Livni to explain Ambassador's Denial Remarks

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  • AGRC Calls on Israel FM Livni to explain Ambassador's Denial Remarks

    Armenian Genocide Resource Center
    5400 McBryde Ave
    Richmond, CA 94805 USA
    (510) 965-0152
    Email [email protected]

    MARCH 12, 2008

    "Israeli genocide scholars respond to
    reported statements of Ambassador Gaby
    Levy denying the Armenian genocide."


    MK Tzipi Livni
    Minister of Foreign Affairs
    Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    We are writing to express our shock, disbelief and horror at the
    statements attributed to Ambassador to Turkey Gaby Levy by the website
    of Sabah News (Turkey) that `what we [Israel] did in Gaza is not
    genocide just like there is no Armenian genocide.' These statements
    were reportedly in response to comments made by Prime Minister Erdogan
    of Turkey criticizing Israel's response to the terror attacks from
    Gaza. We would like to believe that he was misquoted.

    Ambassador Levy is insultingly wrong in denying the Armenian genocide.

    There is an overwhelming body of historical evidence from many
    separate and independent bodies of information to show that the mass
    atrocities experienced by the Armenians were a result of an
    intentional policy on the part of the Turkish government at the
    time. It is precisely this evidence of intent to kill and destroy, in
    whole or in part, as defined by the UN Convention on Genocide, which
    is why these atrocities constitute genocide. They were adjudged
    genocide by Raphael Lemkin, the person who gave the world the word-
    concept of genocide, and have been so adjudged by any number of
    impartial commissions and professional authorities, including the
    International Association of Genocide Scholars.

    Israel's ambassador is humiliatingly further misdirected on Gaza,
    where it is Hamas, an organization with a genocidal agenda, which is
    carrying out terror attacks aimed at killing, destroying and expelling
    the entire population. Israel is defending itself against the
    perpetrators of this genocidal agenda. The Grad rockets Hamas is now
    firing at population centers in Israel come from Iran which has
    expressed a sworn determination to wipe out the State of Israel.

    Clearly Israel has never embarked on a genocidal program or action in
    Gaza, but for the ambassador to prove his point as it were by
    comparing Israel's actions today in Gaza to the known genocidal
    activities of the Ottoman Turks against the Armenians and other
    non-Moslem minorities in 1915 and on is self-defeating in the extreme.
    The aim of Israel's military actions in Gaza is to stop the genocidal
    terror aimed at the Israeli public.

    To link proof that Israel is not the aggressor in Gaza with a denial
    of the validity of the Armenian Genocide is seriously harmful to
    Israel. Ambassador Levy's mission is not to revise historical truth,
    but to represent Israel with honor, self-respect, competence and
    integrity. He has failed the test on all counts. By publicly
    declaring his denial of the Armenian genocide, he paves the way for
    denial of all other genocidal threats, foremost of which are those now
    facing Israel.

    Israel's relationship with Turkey is a matter of vital importance to
    the two countries,. But this relationship does not require public
    displays of obsequiousness and participation in genocide denial. It
    does require Ambassador Levy to advise Turkey of the genocidal threats
    >From Hamas, and from Iran, its paymaster.

    We call upon the Government to repudiate the remarks attributed to


    Prof. Yair Auron, PhD
    Dept. of Sociology
    Open University of Israel
    [email protected]

    Prof. Israel W. Charny, PhD (retired Tel Aviv University and Hebrew
    Executive Director, Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide, Jerusalem
    Editor, Encyclopedia of Genocide [email protected]

    Prof. Elihu D. Richter, MD, MPH
    Genocide Prevention Program, Hebrew University-Hadassah School of Public
    Health and Community Medicine
    [email protected]