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System Of A Down's Serj Tarkian Sings Of Hope And Utter Despair

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  • System Of A Down's Serj Tarkian Sings Of Hope And Utter Despair

    By Rose Aguilar

    AlterNet ture/79271/
    March 11 2008

    The former lead singer of System of a Down shares his feelings of hope,
    inspiration and utter dejection about our current state of affairs.

    When Serj Tankian takes on political and social issues on his new solo
    album, Elect the Dead, he doesn't mince words. In the most political
    song on the album, "The Unthinking Majority," he writes about a
    hypocritical warmongering government running a society controlled by
    antidepressants (in 2006, over 227 million antidepressant prescriptions
    were dispensed in the United States.):

    We don't need your democracy Execute them kindly for me Take them
    by their filthy nostrils Put them up in doggie hostels We don't need
    your democracy Postindustrial society The unthinking majority Elect
    the Dead is Tankian's first solo project after 10 years with the
    best-selling metal band System of a Down. An unconventional musician
    with a distinctive voice and complete creative control, Tankian plays
    almost every instrument on the album's 12 songs. "It's liberating
    because all the choices are mine. With this record, all success or
    failure rests with me," he says.

    Part rock, part jazz, and everything in between, Elect the Dead
    invokes feelings of hope, frustration, inspiration and utter despair
    about our current state of affairs.

    On and off stage, Tankian takes on issues like environmental
    destruction, capitalism, and the hypocrisy of pro-war preachers. The
    10th track on Elect the Dead is appropriately called "Praise the
    Lord and Pass the Ammunition." Each song, which is accompanied by
    a video created by film directors, painters and digital artists,
    is available free of charge on Tankian's official website.

    Born in 1967 in Beirut, Lebanon, to Armenian parents during tumultuous
    political times, Tankian lived in his birthplace until 1975, when his
    family emigrated to Los Angeles. He says he became politicized by the
    hypocrisy of the denial of the Armenian genocide of 1915. Tankian's
    interview with his late grandfather, Stepan Haytayan, a survivor of
    the genocide, is featured in the documentary Screamers.

    AlterNet's Rose Aguilar caught up with Serj Tankian to talk politics
    just a few hours before he rocked a sold-out crowd at the Warfield in
    San Francisco on Saturday. He'll be on tour for the next three months.

    Rose Aguilar: In past interviews, you've said it's important to make
    a statement with your music, not just put out a record. I've been to
    a few of your shows and you have a very captive audience. Do you feel
    a responsibility to discuss political issues and promote activism?

    Serj Tankian: No, I've never felt like it's our responsibility to
    speak out as artists. I think everyone's responsibility is to speak
    from the heart. It's not just artists' job or responsibility to talk
    about the truth. It's all of ours. We're human beings, and we live on
    this planet together, collectively. We need to be truthful. In terms
    of sociopolitical music or political music in general, speaking out
    is not a must. I think love songs can change the world a lot more
    than maybe political songs can.

    Aguilar: You brought up truth, and that brings to mind your song,
    "Lie, Lie, Lie." In January, the Center for Public Integrity found
    that the Bush administration made over 900 false statements about
    Iraq following 9/11. Some would say they lied over 900 times, and
    this was over the course of just two years. Talk about your song
    "Lie, Lie, Lie." And also, what does truth mean anymore?

    Tankian: "Lie, Lie, Lie" is a song that originally had really serious
    lyrics. I was going in with these really serious, really powerful
    lyrics with quirky music, and it just wasn't working. At first,
    I didn't notice why. The music's great. They lyrics are really cool.

    What's wrong with this song? Since I was producing it, I had to step
    back and go, OK, it's just mismatched. You've got all this dramatic,
    operatic funny music with serious potent vocals that don't belong
    there, so I went in and I improvised and made the whole thing into
    a lie. Originally, I didn't mean to call it "Lie, Lie, Lie," like
    nontruth; it was more just the singing of "la, la, la, la." Then
    I thought, I should just call it "Lie, Lie, Lie" 'cause it worked
    perfect. The whole thing was a fabrication.

    As to your question about truth, it doesn't matter what my meaning
    of truth is. I just notice that anytime there's two people that both
    claim to be speaking the truth, generally only one of them is. The
    other one is trying to be perceived as speaking the truth. This is
    not to say that people don't believe that what they believe they feel
    is true. This is to say that in reality, there's only truth.

    Something either happened or did not happen. There's no questioning
    of that. There's no gray area in my opinion. When they're talking
    about denial of a genocide, there's no question that a genocide
    occurred. It's just that because of sociopolitical or geopolitical
    reasoning, they're trying to deny it, but that doesn't mean that it
    did not occur. There's always one truth.

    Aguilar: You lobbied Congress to pass a bill recognizing the Armenian
    genocide. The bill has yet to pass. How have you opinions about the
    political process changed after being directly involved? What did
    that experience teach you?

    Tankian: It taught me a lot. I went to D.C. a few years ago to talk
    to congressmen and a senator about the Armenian legislation at the
    time. I was actually surprised as to the openness of certain members
    of Congress. A number of them were already supporters, and a number
    have an Armenian constituency, but there were a number of them that
    weren't supporters or did not have a large Armenian population in
    their area. I had good talks with them. There were people that were
    open that didn't have any knowledge about it.

    Here I am assuming all of these things that all of these people know
    this and know that. They have more access to information than the
    general public, but in today's age, not really. Here we have Hillary
    Clinton saying she supported the bill that gave President Bush
    the authority to go to war, but she had access to information that
    you and I don't have. It surprises me that people make that kind of
    mistake because they have more information than us, yet in some ways,
    maybe they don't or maybe they're too busy and unable to filter that
    information and find out what the truth is, that single truth that we
    were referring to earlier. I think that was a major goof up that's
    working against her in the election. A lot of people did know that
    it was the wrong thing to do.

    Aguilar: On your new site Elect the Dead, you ask people to get
    involved in four areas: getting rid of the electoral college,
    equalizing corporate funding in elections, allowing people to choose
    where their tax dollars go and instant runoff voting. Compared to
    the songs you've done with System of a Down and on your own about the
    unjust prison system, hypocrisy, lies and oil brigades, those issues
    are fairly moderate. Why did you choose them?

    Tankian: I don't consider the issues moderate at all. For example,
    the electoral college we've had from the beginning of American history,
    and it's an outdated institution that was put in place for the purpose
    of possibly reversing the majority vote, which happened in 2000. So
    we've seen something that's worked against our democracy and yet we're
    so blind, we're not talking about it. I think they're revolutionary
    ideas. They're not my ideas. This is something that a lot of people
    have thought about that I've just put together.

    It's an election year, and for me, no matter who we elect, if our
    system is unjust, we will be beholden to multinationals, to foreign
    governments, to the same type of people that have been running our
    regime. We might have a more liberal person in the White House, but
    that doesn't make the system less unjust. How can we make elections
    more just? How can we make them less focused on moneyed interests and
    more equal and truly democratic? You look at K Street lobbying firms
    that have taken in millions of dollars. These are ex-congressmen,
    ex-secretaries of state that go in and lobby for foreign governments,
    multinational corporations, giving them more of a voice than you and
    me. That's not a democracy. You look at 2000, where a majority voted
    for one guy and another guy became president. That's not a democracy.

    We still have a two-party system. I always say that a two-party system
    is only one more than a one-party system.

    Aguilar: And you initially supported Dennis Kucinich?

    Tankian: That's correct.

    Aguilar: And he was barred from debates. The media wouldn't take
    him seriously.

    Tankian: Absolutely. The liberal media and obviously the conservative
    media understated his purpose and didn't take him seriously, and he
    voted against the war. It's really interesting.

    Aguilar: You're supporting Barack Obama now?

    Tankian: I am supporting Obama. I think his intentions are good. I
    think Hillary's got a lot of great points, too. Obviously, either
    of them would be better than McCain. I like Obama because he's
    confident, he comes from an activist background, and he comes from
    a nontraditional lifestyle. He might be another centrist Clintonian
    for all we know, and I wouldn't appreciate that.

    Aguilar: What are your thoughts on the corporate media?

    Tankian: The Parisization of the media is really horrible. Look at
    the conglomeration of our media -- I call it corporate Darwinism
    -- and the mass privatization of our media. We always think that
    privatization is the key to freedom of speech and what not, but you
    look at the BBC in the U.K. and you're like, wait a minute, they have
    one of the most quality world news services anywhere and it's owned
    by the government, and yet they criticize their own government. We
    have a very privatized media system, and we have Fox and all this
    stuff. What if privatization isn't the answer? And we have such a
    hard time getting funding for Pacifica and NPR. It's horrible.

    Aguilar: I saw you with System of a Down at Ozzfest last year and
    your first solo show in San Francisco at Slim's in October, and I
    was looking at the crowd singing your songs, wondering if they were
    making the political connections. How important is that for you?

    Tankian: It's kind of like asking a chef when he's making food how
    he wants people to taste it. It's beyond the chef. Some people want
    to smell the food first. The chef would prefer people to chew slowly
    and really appreciate the food and appreciate the ambience of the
    restaurant, but they might just be hungry and just gulp it up. And
    that's fine, too.

    Aguilar: I read that you're doing a green tour.

    Tankian: I wouldn't call it a green tour.

    Aguilar: Environmentally friendly?

    Tankian: I'd say it's more environmentally friendly. I don't want
    to take credit where it's undeserved. We just learned about this
    organization called Reverb, and I had management start a program
    to work with them and do some carbon offsetting. We have a bunch
    of stuff on the bus that we purchased that is more environmentally
    friendly. The recycling thing is basic. I didn't know that there were
    these organizations that can actually help touring musicians be green
    and minimize their ecological footprint. There's a lot more that we
    can do.

    Aguilar: Do you think that will save civilization?

    Tankian: I don't think so.

    Aguilar: Are we too late? We should have started doing this stuff
    back in the '70s. We had the answers back then.

    Tankian: I'm with you. There's this amazing environmental scientist
    named James Lovelock who talks about this. He's written a bunch of
    books. I'm reading The Revenge of Gaia right now. But even before
    that, I had this whole "civilization is over" theory, and now I'm
    reading his books and there's an actual scientist agreeing with
    it and it's scaring the shit out of me. Based on the accelerated
    rate of population growth coupled with the accelerated rate of the
    destruction of the world's natural resources, our civilization in its
    current progression is scientifically unsustainable, which is just a
    fact. The fact that we can't even perceive that and the fact that we
    can't accept it, because we can't envision life without a civilization,
    is what's really haunting. It's not humanity that's in danger. It's
    our addiction to civilization that's in danger. It's that addiction
    that makes us endangered. We know about global warming. We know about
    the rise in the oceans. We know about all of the changes, from the
    coral reefs to the melting of the polar caps, and yet we're staying
    in the same place and we're doing the exact same things. It's going
    to change. It's going to change rapidly. And we're not going to give
    up civilization. No, we're going to be forced to give up civilization.