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Nagorno-Karabakh Incident Heightens Armenia-Azerbaijan Tensions

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  • Nagorno-Karabakh Incident Heightens Armenia-Azerbaijan Tensions

    Marianna Gurtovnik

    World Politics Review aspx?id=1778
    March 12 2008

    On March 4, Azerbaijan's breakaway enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh became
    a scene of one of the most controversial attacks there since a May
    1994 ceasefire, which established a no war, no peace situation in
    the region.

    The conflict started in 1988, when the predominantly Armenian
    population of Nagorno-Karabakh stated its intention to secede from
    Azerbaijan. The resulting war caused severe casualties and massive
    population displacement on both sides. Azerbaijan lost control over
    the majority of Nagorno-Karabakh's territory and the adjacent seven
    regions. Although the Nagorno-Karabakh republic currently enjoys
    de-facto independence, no country has recognized it as an independent

    Despite decade-long efforts to resolve the conflict, Azerbaijan and
    Armenia have so far failed to agree on essential points. Since 1992,
    bilateral negotiations have been brokered by the so-called Minsk Group
    of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). The
    Minsk Group is co-chaired by Russia, the United States, and France.

    On March 4, Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian accused
    Azerbaijan of using armored troops to launch a series of strikes
    from the northeastern part of Nagorno-Karabakh. The attacks are
    said to have killed 12 and injured 15 Armenian soldiers; Azerbaijan
    has reported the loss of four soldiers. Oskanian told the press in
    Armenian capital, Yerevan, that Azerbaijani authorities timed the
    attacks so as to take advantage of the current political instability
    in Armenia. In recent weeks, Yerevan has been the scene of crowded
    opposition rallies demanding the recount of votes cast in Armenia's
    Feb. 20 presidential election. The police opened fire at protestors
    and used batons to attack their tents on the Liberty Square in central
    Yerevan. Pursued by the police, angry mobs have reportedly burned
    and looted office buildings and shopping malls in the downtown. On
    March 3, the incumbent Armenian president Robert Kocharian announced
    a three-week state of emergency.

    According to the Central Election Committee, Armenia's current Prime
    Minister Serge Sarkissian garnered 52 percent of the votes, followed
    by former president Levon Ter-Petrossian, who received 21 percent.

    The opposition claims that Ter-Petrossian's votes have been
    significantly under-reported and that he has, in fact, surpassed
    Sarkissian. While opposition observers reported numerous instances of
    ballot-stuffing, monitors from the European Union said the elections
    had, for the most part, met international standards.

    Azerbaijani authorities have strongly denied the allegation that
    Azerbaijan initiated the attacks, and blamed the incident on Armenia.

    "The Armenian leadership is trying to distract the attention of its
    public and of the international community from its internal political
    problems. . . . Armenia uses Azerbaijan as an external enemy," said
    Khazar Ibrahim, director of the Azerbaijan Foreign Ministry's press
    service, in a March 5 interview with the Russian daily Kommersant.

    The spokesman for the Ministry of Defense, Eldar Sabiroglu, told the
    press in Baku that the Azerbaijani army had successfully thwarted
    the Armenian provocation.

    The political crisis in Armenia has left Azerbaijani commentators
    questioning how, if at all, the deepening animosity between
    Armenia's two major political clans will affect the talks related to
    Nagorno-Karabakh's status. The hardliner Kocharian, who represents the
    Karabakh clan, ascended to the presidency by exploiting the hawkish
    sentiments in the Armenian political establishment. He insisted that
    Azerbaijan must recognize Nagorno-Karabakh's independence if it wants
    to re-establish control over its seven regions. This view is supported
    by Serge Sarkissian, who fought for Nagorno-Karabakh's independence
    from Azerbaijan in 1989-1993.

    Kocharian's predecessor Ter-Petrossian, who is associated with the
    Yerevan clan, advocated for liberating Azerbaijan's occupied regions
    first and determining Nagorno-Karabakh's status at a subsequent
    referendum in which both the Azerbaijani and Armenian communities
    of the breakaway territory would participate. Ter-Petrossian had
    to stand down in 1998 after his cabinet refused to back this plan,
    which was also favored by Azerbaijan.

    Lately, observers have noted that growing numbers of Karabakh clan
    representatives in the Armenian government have increasingly annoyed
    the Yerevan clan.

    The March 4 incident was "an attempt by Armenia's current leadership
    to consolidate the society in which tension between representatives
    of the [two clans] has further intensified after the armed forces
    brutally suppressed opposition protests," claimed Azerbaijani
    political commentator Rasim Musabekov in a March 5 interview with Musabekov said that the border shootings were part of
    Armenia's long-pursued plan to seize the northeastern section of
    Nagorno-Karabakh -- currently controlled by Azerbaijan -- in order to
    have full control of the breakaway territory. A military victory such
    as this would provide much-needed support to Kocharian and Sarkissian,
    whose credibility has been undermined during the recent events. At
    the same time, Musabekov expressed certainty that this brief violation
    of the ceasefire would not resume the war.

    In the meantime, Minsk Group officials hope to host talks between the
    two countries in the near future. Negotiations over Nagorno-Karabakh
    can continue after the situation in Armenia is clarified, said
    Matthew Bryza, the U.S. co-chairman of the Minsk Group, during a
    March 5 press briefing in Baku.

    Marianna Gurtovnik is a freelance analyst based in the United States.

    She covers governance reforms, foreign policy, and civil society
    developments in the Newly Independent States.