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Not Defeated But Deceived

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  • Not Defeated But Deceived

    Gevorg Haroutyunyan

    Hayots Ashkhar
    March 12, 2008

    Interview with EDUARD ANTINYAN, Secretary of the Armenian Liberal
    Progressive Party

    "Mr. Antinyan, you also indicated in your political predictions
    that LTP might anticipate support by a much smaller number of
    proponents. How did he manage to deceive 21 percent of the voters?"

    "As far as this particular candidate is concerned, the political
    predictions were constructed on the principle of reasonableness. It
    wasn't simply considered that having returned to the political arena
    and demonstrated ambitions for becoming a President, this person
    would totally renounce morality and deceive his supporters from the
    first to the last step.

    And to keep his electorate in delusion, the slogan 'I have already
    won' was put into circulation even before the elections. And his
    false statement was taken for truth by all those who had constantly
    suffered defeat and were ready for any step just for the sake of
    being the winner at least this time.

    Inventing short-lived lies that were refuted just a day after, he
    managed to attract all those who didn't share his viewpoints. And
    here worked the constantly repeated allegation that 90 percent of the
    force structures, the Army, 'Yerkrapah' members and the state system
    supported him. And those who believed the statement hurried to join the
    'winner'. The thing is that society has a significant number of people
    who live with pleasant lies and refuse to listen to the harsh truth.

    Such cheap bluffing by the candidate produced a certain result in this
    particular atmosphere. On the other hand, the people who were more or
    less conscious did not imagine that the country's former President
    could be such a great liar. There is currently a huge number of
    deceived people, and the principal present is to show them the truth."

    "This thick crowd of society was artificially separated from the
    people when the candidate declared a struggle against the authorities,
    considering them Mongol-Tatars" and the "Vikings of Artsakh". With
    his attempts to represent the authorities as aliens, he proved that
    he himself was alienated from the people in the course of the past
    10 years and had faced obstacle for making a part of the same people
    become his tool.

    The candidate consistently acted in contradiction to his own theses. A
    person considering himself liberal cannot declare the opponents of
    his idea as enemies and unleash a "national-liberation struggle"
    against them. He considers that a certain part of our people who have
    fallen victim to xenophobia are Tatars and sorts the nation based on
    the document of origin. The result was that the political struggle
    changed into a campaign of lie and aggression.

    The voters who believed him felt as though they were in the battle
    of Sardarapat or Avarayr, so they could consider any result as
    a defeat. The lie is actually that there is no battle of Avarayr;
    these are elections when even the contender having 49 percent of votes
    should realize that the victory belongs to the candidate favored by
    the majority of the people."

    "What formula do you suggest for restoring the atmosphere of public

    "The people can always be dissatisfied with the authorities, but it
    is impossible to inflame the people's dissatisfaction by the Bolshevik
    slogan saying, 'the one who had nothing will have everything' and make
    them become a proletariat and convince them that they have nothing to
    lose. Whereas all the provocations are organized due to the Bolshevik
    consciousness. Among the people standing next to the candidate in the
    square there were individuals who were told that in case of dancing
    for two more days, they would become ministers by a presidential decree
    and possess the whole property belonging to one of the oligarchs.

    And this fairy-tale dream was crumbled by a rubber club. Whereas the
    credulous should have hatred not for the rubber club, but rather,
    for the 'president' who had given false promises and invented the
    false 'fairly-tale.' It is regrettable that such consciousness does
    not exist at all. Those who had believed in the fairy-tale had come
    out for their 'last fight', the 'big struggle' because this was their
    only chance for becoming rich.

    And the candidate was doing his best to persuade them that the
    fairy-tale was real and the one who believed in it would take over the
    office of the Chief of Police discharged from duty by a decree. The
    increase in the number of people not believing in all the stuff also
    led to the increase of lie and aggression.

    As to the people who, having believed in the lies of the story-teller,
    consider themselves losers, it is necessary to show them that they
    are not losers at all. The Police officer who saved his soldiers by
    lying on the grenade is the hero of time. His family may take pride
    in their father. But what about the families of the other victims
    whose death was pointless? Who, if not the man deceiving them into a
    'struggle' and pursuing a goal to come to power at the cost of others'
    blood should be held accountable for their death?

    Why, 14 years after the ceasefire, was the rifleman forced to
    become a political factor? It was done with the purpose of staining
    society's hands with blood and sowing hostility, intolerance and
    hatred artificially.

    To return all this to the civilized and regular course of development,
    it is necessary to give the floor to those whose speech will be
    listened to. It is necessary to have someone who, instead of appearing
    with white gloves and preaching morals, has participated in the process
    and tried to do something to prevent the efforts of splitting the
    people. Only he can give proper advice which, if followed in time,
    would have prevented the violence and plunder of March 1, because in
    that case, there would have been no deceived people."