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The Newly Elected President - A Man Of His Word And Promises

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  • The Newly Elected President - A Man Of His Word And Promises

    Lilit Poghosyan

    Hayots Ashkhar
    March 13, 2008

    Newly elected president SERGE SARGSYAN yesterday had a meeting with
    the students of the State Economic University and answered a number
    of questions arousing interest in the public as well as clarified
    the information presented to credulous through the "channels" of the
    Armenian Pan-National Movement

    The students were particularly interested to know whether the events
    of March 1 merely resulted from Ter-Petrosyan's hatred and whether
    Ter-Petrosyan was a genius that he managed to surge a wave of protest
    within a period 3-4 months or he just managed to take advantage of
    the public dissatisfaction accumulated in the course of several years.

    "I don't think we have ever dealt with a genius. What happened on
    March 1 essentially differs from the process called elections. It's
    one thing that L. Ter-Petrosan received 350 thousand votes and quite
    a different thing that a group of people appeared in the street and
    committed unlawful actions. Of course, there are a great umber of
    problems and issues in our society and a significant part of our
    population is dissatisfied with the existing situation.

    And have I ever said that all the problems are solved in our
    society? Have I said in the pre-election period that there are
    no dissatisfied people in our society and justice always takes its
    course? Naturally, some of those people expressed their dissatisfaction
    by voting in favor of Ter-Petrosyan," S.

    Sargsyan said in response to the question.

    But among the populist demonstrators there were also many people who
    were dissatisfied not because of injustice but because they were
    discharged from posts for working improperly and wanted more than
    they have now, "dissatisfied ex-Ministers, ex-Deputy Ministers,
    officers removed from the Army and the police. People who will be
    dissatisfied even if our living standards are equal to the living
    standards of Switzerland."

    After all, "just compare the pre-election speeches of the candidates
    and see who spoke about solidarity and who said 'the one who is not
    with us is scum.' Who spoke about patriotism and who said that we
    should pay a contribution to Azerbaijan for starting a war? See
    who demonstrated a restrained conduct and who called the people
    traitors; who said 'we'll hold transparent elections' and who said
    'we'll spoil everything in any case,' " the Prime Minister added,
    proposing to compare the facts instead of eavesdropping the rumors
    and only thereafter draw far-reaching conclusions.

    What to do to neutralize the tension observed in the public after the
    March 1 events and how to rule out the repetition of the "parade" of
    spite? In response to this question, S. Sargsyan made the following
    statement, "To achieve that, it is necessary to solve a great number
    of problems. But the most important thing is for us to be able to
    develop an atmosphere of trust in the law enforcement agencies so as
    in terms of their professional skills and attitude towards the people,
    the law enforcement agencies will reach at least the level of the
    present-day Armenian Army. We are obliged to have a law enforcement
    system capable of ensuring the security of the RA citizens."

    What is meant here concerns not only those who were directly involved
    in the street disorders but also, "perhaps, the citizens who have
    nothing to do with all that. We, as a state, are obliged to totally
    guarantee the people's right to ownership. We are obliged to totally
    ensure our citizens' right to life," S. Sargsyan is convinced.

    After all, there are protest rallies in any country, but in
    order to prevent them from developing into mass violence the law
    enforcement agencies are required to be professional and technically
    equipped, enjoy trust among the people and the international
    community. Unfortunately, the March 1 events did not increase that
    trust in the authorities and the elections in general.

    There is one way for mitigating such distrust, "to work well." S.

    Sargsyan said. He also posed the following counter-question, "Do
    you think those events would have happened had I received 54 or 56
    percent of votes?" "They would have happened by all means," the hall
    responded. "Thanks for thinking so," the Prime Minister said sincerely,
    receiving the approval of the auditorium. The post-electoral anxiety,
    i.e. the splitting, which is characteristic even to the developed
    and welfare countries, certainly gives way to concern. But the
    Prime Minister is much more concerned about the spiteful ideas,
    consistently and continuously instilled into the public, "This is
    what we must be able to mitigate. I have said and repeat again that
    I will be the President of all the citizens of Armenia and not only
    of those who have voted in my favor. I have said that all those who
    are in the neighboring square are our brothers and sisters. I have
    said it sincerely because we are a small nation, and we must be able
    to be united."

    What's the newly elected President's attitude towards the
    unprecedented event that Armenian people killed one another in the
    heart of Yerevan? "Negative, extremely negative. What could be my
    attitude towards the fact that an Armenian stabbed an MP with a
    knife in Yerevan in broad daylight just because the MP was trying
    to protect an Armenian policeman? What could be my attitude towards
    the fact that an Armenian man tries to kill an Armenian soldier or
    an Armenian policeman? You are aware that more than 200 policemen
    received wounds, including 50 people suffering from grave wounds and
    40 people suffering from wounds caused by fire-arms. I am unable to
    understand how 50 people could have attacked one policeman.

    Even if the police had committed a mistake near the Opera, no one
    had the right to do anything of the kind.

    After all, if the organizers had been a little bit concerned for
    the people and the state, they could have appeased their proponents
    and only then disputed the lawfulness of the law enforcers' actions,
    resorting to legal methods. "As a newly elected President of Armenia,
    I would have unhesitatingly appointed an independent investigation
    and if necessary - invited someone from abroad, and we would have
    conducted an inquiry to find out who was guilty and who wasn't. But
    there were some people who didn't need that. What they needed was
    the March 1 events," the speaker added, stating once again that the
    authorities were also to blame for what had happened because being
    perfectly aware of what the generals of the demonstration had on
    their minds, they were unable to prevent the blood-shed."

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress