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ANKARA: EU Calls On Turkey To Uncover Ergenekon's Links In State

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  • ANKARA: EU Calls On Turkey To Uncover Ergenekon's Links In State


    Today's Zaman
    March 13 2008

    The European Parliament, one of the European Union's strongest
    institutions, has called on Turkey to investigate the shadowy Ergenekon
    network to unearth its "deep connections" within the state.

    The Ergenekon gang, a neo-nationalist group accused of involvement
    in plans to stage a violent uprising against the government, was
    discovered at the end of an investigation that came upon the heels
    of a police raid in June of last year that uncovered an arms depot
    in a house in Ýstanbul's Umraniye district. The prosecutor in the
    Ergenekon case has said the gang worked to create disorder and chaos
    through divisive and violent acts so the public would be willing to
    accept a military intervention to restore order.

    "Turkish authorities should resolutely pursue investigations into the
    Ergenekon affair, to fully uncover its networks reaching into the state
    structures and to bring those involved to justice," the draft report,
    prepared by Dutch Christian Democrat MEP Ria Oomen-Ruijten, said.

    The group is suspected of involvement in the murder of three Christian
    missionaries in Malatya in 2007, the 2006 murder of a priest in the
    northern city of Trabzon, the murder of ethnic Armenian journalist
    Hrant Dink in 2007, a 2006 attack on the Council of State and a
    grenade attack on daily Cumhuriyet in 2006.

    The draft report also strongly called on the government to speed up
    its reform process and fulfill its promises on sensitive issues such
    as Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code (TCK). The nine-page draft
    viewed by Today's Zaman is expected to be discussed at the Foreign
    Affairs Committee in April and to be approved by the parliament in May.

    The draft, which is expected to be amended several times before
    approval by the European Parliament, welcomes a declaration by Prime
    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoðan that 2008 would be the year of reforms.

    Another development that the report refers to with satisfaction is the
    civilian authorities' success in confronting the military interference
    in the political process back in April, when the government boldly
    rejected an intervention by the military in the process of presidential

    Welcoming Parliament's passage of the Law on Foundations granting
    broader property rights for non-Muslim minorities, the draft calls for
    vigorous further steps for reforms. Calling the outlawed Kurdistan
    Workers' Party (PKK) a terror organization, the draft says the PKK
    should declare an immediate and unconditional cease-fire. The draft
    also took note of Erdoðan's statements on assimilation, which he made
    in Germany and which were widely criticized in EU capitals.

    Erdoðan said in Germany last month that the government wanted the Turks
    to integrate better in the German society, but rejected assimilation,
    saying it was a "crime against humanity."

    In her draft report Oomen-Ruijten refrained from using the word
    "genocide" to describe events of World War I, which Armenians claim
    amounted to a genocide of their ancestors in eastern Anatolia by
    the Ottoman Empire. She instead called on Turkey and Armenia to work
    together to start a process of reconciliation. Oomen-Ruijten, in her
    previous resolution on Turkey last fall, came under enormous pressure
    from Armenian groups to refer to a genocide, but she refused to do so.

    Basic issues highlighted in report * Civilian-military relations:
    [The European Parliament] welcome[s] the fact that in 2007 democracy
    prevailed over attempts by the military to interfere in the political
    process; encourages the Turkish government to make further systematic
    efforts to ensure that the democratically elected political leadership
    bears full responsibility for formulation of domestic, foreign and
    security policy and that the armed forces respect this civilian

    * 301: [The] Turkish government and the Parliament should carry out,
    as a priority, the repeatedly promised reform of Article 301 of
    the Penal Code; [the European Parliament] deplores the fact that no
    progress has been achieved regarding freedom of expression.

    * Law on Foundations: [The European Parliament] welcome[s] the recent
    adoption by the Turkish Parliament of the Law on Foundations; welcomes
    the commission's intention to examine the new text, and underlines that
    it should analyze whether the law addresses all shortcomings faced by
    non-Muslim religious communities with regard to property management
    and acquisition, including expropriated property sold to third parties.

    * PKK: [The European Parliament] strongly condemn[s] the violence
    perpetrated by the PKK ... reiterates its solidarity with Turkey
    in its fight against terrorism; and once again calls on the PKK to
    declare and respect an immediate and unconditional cease-fire.

    * Northern Iraq: [The] Turkish government should not engage in any
    disproportionate military operations violating Iraq's territory;
    urges Turkey to respect Iraq's territorial integrity, human rights and
    the rule of law, and to ensure that civilian casualties are avoided;
    urges the government of Iraq and the Kurdish Regional Government of
    Iraq not to allow Iraqi territory to be used as base for terrorist
    acts against Turkey.

    * Kurdish Issue: [The] Turkish government should launch, as a matter
    of priority, a political initiative favoring a lasting settlement of
    the Kurdish issue, which can only be based on tangible improvements in
    the cultural, economic and social opportunities available to citizens
    of Kurdish origin, including real possibilities to learn Kurdish and
    to use it in broadcasting and in access to public services; calls
    upon the [Democratic Society Party] DTP, its members of parliament
    and mayors to engage constructively in the quest for a political
    solution to the Kurdish issue within the democratic Turkish state.

    * Armenia: [The] Turkish government should end the economic blockade
    and re-open its border with Armenia; calls once again on Turkish
    and the Armenian governments to start a process of reconciliation,
    in respect of the present and the past, allowing for a frank and open
    discussion of past events.

    * Hrant Dink murder: [The European Parliament] strongly urge[s]
    the Turkish authorities to carry out a full investigation into the
    murders of Hrant Dink and of the three Christians in Malatya, as well
    as all other cases of politically or religiously motivated violence,
    including full clarification of allegations of negligence on the part
    of the competent authorities, and to bring all responsible to justice.

    * Constitution: Takes note of the process under way to prepare
    a new, civilian constitution; regards it as a key opportunity to
    place the protection of human rights and freedoms at the core of
    the constitution.

    --Boundary_(ID_WqPmEGC/Njkeev4fnFzd 8w)--