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Armenia: Officials, Opposition Take Tentative Steps Toward Conciliat

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  • Armenia: Officials, Opposition Take Tentative Steps Toward Conciliat


    March 13 2008

    Under intense outside pressure to enter into a political dialogue,
    government officials and their opponents in Armenia have started
    making cautious moves to repair the damage done by the March 1 violence
    in Yerevan.

    The most significant gesture made by the government was President
    Robert Kocharian's announcement that mass media restrictions, imposed
    under a state of emergency, would be lifted no later than March 14.

    In effect, the emergency regulations enabled the government to control
    the dissemination of information. "Now, under the state of emergency,
    we are telling you what you can do regarding the internal political
    situation. After signing the decree we will tell you what you can
    not do," Kocharian stated in comments broadcast on state television.

    Earlier, president-elect Serzh Sarkisian indicated that the government
    intended to soften its hardline treatment of opposition leaders. In
    the days following the March 1 clashes, in which at least eight
    people died, officials insisted that the opposition bore sole
    responsibility for violence. They specifically accused opposition
    leaders -- who organized a permanent protest in Yerevan to denounce
    fraud in the in February 19 presidential election -- of attempting a
    coup d'etat. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive]. More
    than 80 opposition activists have been detained since March 1 and face
    conspiracy charges. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive].

    Sarkisian, during a March 12 public appearance, seemed to present
    a face-saving formula that would serve as a starting point for
    conciliation efforts. He said the alleged plotters would still be
    prosecuted, but, apparently assuming guilty verdicts to be a foregone
    conclusion, he emphasized that the accused could expect leniency.

    "The court verdict might be mild, and a president can always grant a
    pardon, but people should know who plotted and perpetrated the crimes,"
    Sarkisian said.

    During a March 13 meeting with Thomas Hammarberg, the Council of
    Europe's commissioner for human rights, Kocharian insisted that the
    mood in Yerevan was returning to normal. "Unfortunately we failed
    to avoid an undesirable course of events and authorities had to take
    action," the PanArmenian news website quoted Kocharian as saying.

    "However, the situation is stabilizing."

    Opposition leader Levon Ter-Petrosian, speaking to journalists
    on March 11, appeared to grudgingly accept the fact that Sarkisian
    would end up as Armenia's president, and that he had no choice but to
    enter into a political dialogue with him as such. At the same time,
    Ter-Petrosian insisted that he would not recognize the official
    results of the presidential election. Ter-Petrosian has claimed he
    actually won a plurality of votes, yet the official tally shows him
    to have finished a distant second to Sarkisian. [For background see
    the Eurasia Insight archive].

    "The world did not recognize Yasir Arafat's legitimacy for a long time,
    but it negotiated with him," Ter-Petrosian said. "I do not recognize
    the legitimacy of Serzh Sarkisian, but I cannot ignore him and he
    cannot ignore me."

    Fearing that prolonged political rancor in Yerevan could have severe
    consequences not only for Armenia, but also for regional stability, the
    United States, European Union and Russia, in a rare act of geopolitical
    unity, have pressed for the opening of political dialogue aimed
    at restoring a semblance of normalcy in the Armenian capital. [For
    background see the Eurasia Insight archive]. Although the way for such
    discussions between the Kocharian/Sarkisian team and the Ter-Petrosian
    camp now seems to be open, it remains uncertain whether talks can be
    productive, or whether they might simply fuel mutual animosity.

    A key to whether a dialogue can yield potential results may well
    be connected to the question of culpability for the bloodshed. The
    government remains adamant that it is not responsible for the loss of
    life, even though eyewitnesses say security forces used lethal force on
    demonstrators with little or no advance warning. [For background see
    the Eurasia Insight archive]. Armenia's ombudsman, Armen Harutiunian,
    likewise, has asserted that the use of deadly force was initiated by
    the government side. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive].

    Kocharian administration officials continue to denounce in shrill
    terms all those who publicly criticize the government's handling
    of the election-related protests. For example, the Armenian Foreign
    Ministry expressed outrage over a statement made by US Deputy Assistant
    Secretary of State Matthew Bryza, who characterized the actions of
    Armenian security forces on March 1 as "harsh and brutal."

    The Foreign Ministry on March 12 termed Bryza's comments "groundless,"
    "useless" and "arbitrary."

    The president has also heaped scorn on Harutiunian, inferring that
    the ombudsman's public criticism of security forces was unpatriotic.

    Harutiunian, speaking at a March 12 news conference, shrugged off
    Kocharian's attempt at character assassination, saying the president's
    opinion did not matter to him. "I believe that in my work I am guided
    by the constitution and the country's legislation, as well as by the
    European Convention for Human Rights, and it is the people [not the
    president] who should assess my work," Harutiunian said.

    During his March 11 news conference, Ter-Petrosian alleged that
    government agents provoked the unrest. "Not even one car had been
    scratched [during protests and marches] prior to March 1. So what
    happened?" Ter-Petrosian said, according to a report distributed by
    the Regnum news agency. "Provocateurs went after the protesters with
    clubs. ... That was the reason the situation spiraled out of control,
    although it was brilliantly managed by authorities."

    Officials have not backed away from portraying events purely as an
    attempted coup. On March 12, one Armenian prosecutor was quoted by
    the RIA-Novosti news agency as alleging that protesters used various
    means, including "psychotropic substances," to induce aggressive
    behavior toward security forces.

    Rather than confront issues related to the security forces' actions,
    the government is trying to focus popular attention of the economy.

    In recent days, the Kocharian/Sarkisian team has sketched ambitious
    plans to raise living standards. For example, the government has
    expressed a desire to eliminate the need for Armenia to import grain
    by 2010. To do so, the country would have to more than double current
    output within just a few years -- a task that many experts believe
    the country would be hard pressed to accomplish.