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If We Don't Punish The Organizers Provocations Will Continue

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  • If We Don't Punish The Organizers Provocations Will Continue

    Gevorg Harutyunyan

    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    March 13, 2008

    The construction works are in a heated process in Yerevan. The
    high-speed modern highways connecting the communities of the capital
    city also increase day by day. President Robert Kocharyan visited
    the construction sites to familiarize himself with the working process.

    The journalists used their chance to ask questions regarding the
    internal political situation in Armenia. Robert Kocharyan firstly
    estimated the situation in Yerevan during the 11 days of the
    state of emergency. " I think people also need to rest after the
    rallies. Society is rather polarized. It was only 11 days back, when
    due to the serious clashes we had human losses. The talks about new
    rallies are simple provocations, and it is nonsense to speak about
    them. If we endow new rallies and the same people gather in the same
    square, those who participated in March 1 demonstration, this means
    the police must also participate in these demonstrations, because it
    is their obligation to provide the people's security. In this case
    everyone will over again remember about the victims and the injured.

    By the way 108 policemen were injured, from which 43 got firearm

    It is difficult to imagine that the appearance of the police and the
    demonstrators on the same stage won't lead to clashes. Only provokers
    can think of demonstrations in such situation. No one can guarantee
    security for the participants of similar rallies."

    Robert Kocharyan confirmed that the post-election events had a very bad
    impact on Armenia's economic life: " Similar events firstly have bad
    impact on tourisms. These days fewer tourists visit our country. The
    tourism agencies are really concerned about it, because, as they say,
    many clients have already canceled their applications.

    Last year 510 thousand tourists visited Armenia. Many spheres benefit
    from the development of tourism. The income is equally distributed
    around the whole territory of the country.

    What happened on March 1-2 was a blow for each citizen. The newly
    elected President and the government to be formed from April 9 must
    do their best to bring back the country's good reputation."

    The President also informed that he is planning to review one more
    restriction of the state of emergency. "At the moment we are planning
    the version of the review. In the coming days I'm going to sign
    a decree according to which the approach towards Mass Media will
    change. At present, the state of emergency defines the contents of
    the publications regarding the internal political situation. The new
    decree will define what must be said. The restrictions will be related
    to the provocative actions only, the evident false information. The
    Mass Media will be freer to express their own standpoints and analysis,
    but they must be very careful about the correctness of the information
    they spread, because they will shoulder the responsibility for any
    false information. This information can thwart the country's stability.

    There is no objective to prolong the state of emergency, but we will
    continue to soften the restrictions. By now there has been no case
    of breaching the state of emergency. The situation is quiet and
    under full control. But the volume of gossips is really striking;
    the reason probably is lack of information. And the new decree will
    give chance to fill this gap.

    We must be conscious that the weaker the position of the new President,
    the bigger the temptation to make foreign pressure on him. This is the
    alphabet of the international politics. That is why we must avert all
    the attempts to weaken Armenia's position on the international plane.

    I don't think, that the present situation is impossible to change. No
    doubt, in one-two months everything will be set right and all those
    who have provoked this situation must appear in the court and return
    an answer for their deeds. If we don't do it the provocations will
    continue. For some people it is beneficial to weaken the positions
    of Armenia. It is really dangerous and we must annihilate this danger."