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Anti-Genocide Activists End First Day Of Capitol Hill Advocacy

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  • Anti-Genocide Activists End First Day Of Capitol Hill Advocacy

    13.03.2008 11:11

    Activists from more than a dozen states spread out across Capitol
    Hill today for the first of three days of non-stop anti-genocide
    advocacy, capped with an evening reception featuring powerful remarks
    by outspoken Congressional human rights leaders, reported the Armenian
    National Committee of America (ANCA).

    The three day program, hosted for the second year in a row by the ANCA
    and the Genocide Intervention Network (GI-Net), puts community human
    rights advocates directly in touch with dozens of legislators and every
    single Senate and House office in support of practical legislative
    initiatives to stop the genocide in Darfur and end Turkey's ongoing
    denial of the Armenian Genocide.

    The day began with an early morning briefing in the Aramian Conference
    Room at the ANCA national headquarters and powerful welcoming remarks
    by Jackie Kanchelian-Speier, a veteran of the California legislature
    and currently a leading candidate running in the Special Election to
    fill California's 12th Congressional District. If elected, former
    State Senator Speier will become the second Armenian American in
    Congress, alongside Congresswoman Anna Eshoo (D-CA). In her remarks,
    she touched on her long experience in advocating Armenian American
    issues and urged the gathered activists to remain vigilant and act
    effectively in seeking to end the cycle of genocide.

    Among the legislators in attendance at the Capitol Hill reception
    on Wednesday evening were Representatives Jim Costa(D-CA), Rush Holt
    (D-NJ), Patrick Kennedy (D-RI), Betty McCollum (D-MN), James McGovern
    (D-MA), Grace Napolitano (D-CA), Frank Pallone (D-NJ), Laura Richardson
    (D-CA), and John Tierney (D-MA).

    The expanded program, titled the "End the Cycle of Genocide: Grassroots
    Capitol Campaign," is taking place from March 12th through 14th. Having
    completed a full day of meetings, the activists will continue their
    visits on Thursday and Friday, including a tour of the U.S. Holocaust
    Memorial and Museum.

    The activists called for a broad range of steps to end the Darfur
    Genocide, among them increased funding for peacekeepers, divestment
    from Sudan, and support for a comprehensive regional peace, as well,
    of course, for the adoption of the Armenian Genocide Resolution
    (H.Res.106 and S.Res.106).