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Nkr: Who Lives Well In Our Village

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  • Nkr: Who Lives Well In Our Village


    Azat Artsakh Daily
    Published on March 13, 2008
    NKR Republic

    Our village is Haghorty, in cancavity of bunched mountains, spread
    in eastward slope of the knoll.This name comes from "be communicated".

    At the foot of an opposite mountain of today's dwelling there was a
    chapel at the ancient alm-trees.People from Mosh spring, where they
    lived, came and were communicated with the God here. According to the
    tradition, stories of the old, the new settlement was called Haghorty.
    The village has a new life. Here there are also people who live
    "well, middling and poor". Saying "to live well" I only understand
    "to live correctly". But under this qualification I comprehend, that
    a man struggles (a life is a struggle, war for a man, with all its
    sense from a birthday till death) against circumstances, difficulties
    born by epoch, an element and eats his upright bread. "The present
    is the continuation of the past": there is such a wisdom. "Reader! I
    beg your indulgence and some words about the past: problems of the
    village were brave and industrious, each of them was a world, and
    leaving this world, took a world with him. And left a world behind
    his transition. They built a water-mill and lengthened a stream,
    that water flew along their wanted road, built a wall with cyclopean
    stones, gave a clay a form. At the moments of dangers they protected
    their land, home. Alas! Bolsheviks, communists came. And thay called
    these people enemy, kulak.. The bearers of this label Bakhshi Zakarian,
    David Adamian, Shamir Shakarian, Aghadzhan Avanesian (villagers also
    called Kaghtsr Aghadzhan) were chased and submitted to punishment.

    Entired houses of those class enemies till today serve as department
    of communication, emergency room and club. But Haghorty people remain
    the same industrious. Their children Savand Mezhlumian (vine-grower),
    Artash Safarian (mechanisator) were recognized heroes of socialist
    work. Aram Safarian (killed in 1943 for liberation of Belgrad) was
    entitled posthumous to title of the Soviet Union's hero. Academician
    Jury Ossipian, who lived in Moscow, was also entitled to the same
    title. Those who lived in village, bore the heavy harness of the
    Lord's taxes on their shoulders.

    That say "Autonomus region of Nagorno-Karabakh prospers in its bosom
    and enjoys bitter fruits of fatherly care of Heydar Aliev". That then
    in 1969 after the Second Warld War 152 brave people from Haghorty

    become a monument and whisper lessons of courage their grandchildren
    and relatives stood up for Karabakh struggle. Breath of new days In
    Haghorty today people continue traditions of ancestors , are busy by
    creative work.

    All the year round they have on a table honey and oil, wine and
    vodka, grapes and apples. Hrant Safarian: These lines, about my
    former pupil who has exchanged already for fifth tens, I write with
    great satisfaction.This man, with high education, is the manager
    of this veterinary site. He has a car, tens goals of large horned
    cattles, sheep and goats, a horse, turkeys, a mulberry garden ...and
    children-Nver and Shogher, who study at the University. Hrant Safarian
    has inherited from father cattle breeder diligence and a habit to
    rise before the sun that was and remains the requirement of a life
    of the peasant. Rafael Harutyunyan: In collective farm he was the
    beekeeper and always provided high parameters. If honey was collected
    less than one ton,he considered that year unfavourable. The glory of
    his honey has extended far outside village, at his house turns were
    always formed. Rafael with his sons Edward and Emil have founded a
    vineyard, have mulberry trees and a lot of cattle.

    Melsik Martirosian: In the Soviet years he also held posts. But
    language of a grapevine has learnt by heart as the native
    alphabet. After privatization it has returned to his favourite vines -
    to the parts of the soul. In the valley of Khonashen with sons Nver and
    Arno have founded a vineyard, which later paid its trustee. Perhaps,
    for all life Haghorty people did not eat so much fresh grapes,
    how much in 2007. If you need the sparkling vine "Khindogny",
    address to Martirosian.If you also need grape, mulberry vodka, again
    knock at his door. Let's add also, that the vegetables grown up by
    them, melons and water-melons have a great demand in the village. I
    surprise and irritate, when people complain of absence of work in the
    village. Someone suggests even to open workplaces. "Kind people,there
    is a work, but there aren't workers!", - Melsik Martirosian argues so.

    Magela and Samvel Petrosyans, Alyosha Avetisian, Edik Hayrapetian,
    Arpenik Adamian, Martik Baghrian organized their facilities
    reasonably.Differently,a persistent struggle proceeds for fairly earned
    bread, prosperous life. They rise early and do not forget a national
    saying: " If you lie down under shadow in summer, in winter cows
    will die". I remember Krilov's well-known fable and I work like ants,
    that in winter like dragonfly not to dance under music of a wind. Yes,
    the peasant should work out the ground, hold cattle. This winter was
    severe and long, sharp shortage of forages was felt.. It is pleasant,
    that the president of the republic watches from a new sight at a
    village and a peasant, and the state undertakes concrete steps in
    this direction. And if the present is the continuation of the past,
    the base of the future is in the present.

    Inhabitants of Haghorty wait for arrival of spring with impatience(its
    breath is already felt), to throw seeds on the ground, to work till
    the seventh sweat, and the people satiated due to others, the lines
    of the Master remind: -Hold by our hand! sinking people, We stand
    firmly as a strong rock, Throw an anchor at our legs, We stand firmly
    as a strong rock.