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MFA: Overwhelming Maj. of UN Member States Do Not Support Az on NK

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  • MFA: Overwhelming Maj. of UN Member States Do Not Support Az on NK

    Press and Information Department
    of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    of the Republic of Armenia
    Tel. + 37410 544041. ext. 202
    Fax. + 37410 565601
    e-mail: [email protected]

    Overwhelming Majority of UN Member States Do Not Support Azerbaijan's
    Position on Nagorno Karabakh

    On Friday March 14, the United Nations General Assembly voted on a draft
    resolution introduced by Azerbaijan in which Azerbaijan attempted to secure
    international support for its own desired outcome for the Nagorno Karabakh
    resolution process.

    The OSCE Minsk Group Co-chair countries - US, France and the Russian
    Federation - voted against the resolution as did Armenia and a few other
    countries. Over 150 countries abstained or did not vote. Only 39 countries
    supported the resolution, out of organizational affinity with either GUAM or
    the Organization of Islamic Conference.

    Although the non-binding resolution passed the General Assembly, the
    rejection of Azerbaijan's position by an overwhelming majority is a
    barometer of the mood of the international community on this issue.

    "I hope Azerbaijan got the message from the international community. Taking
    the lead of the co-chairs, a majority of member states repelled the
    one-sided approach," said Armenia's Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian.

    Minister Oskanian characterized the resolution as hypocritical. "On the one
    hand, in an effort to disinform member states, the resolution included a
    paragraph that supports the OSCE Minsk Process. On the other hand,
    Azerbaijan blatantly ignored the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs position. The
    co-chair countries had made clear they would not support the resolution and
    in fact voted against the resolution."

    "Now we wonder what Azerbaijan's next move will be," he said. "We question
    whether this resolution was intended to derail the negotiating process or
    whether they got the clear message and will return to the negotiating table
    to work on a negotatied, compromise lasting solution."

    At a press conference earlier in the week, Minister Oskanian had stated that
    President-Elect Serge Sargisian would be prepared to meet with the
    Azerbaijani President at the earliest possibility, if the co-chairs find
    this useful and if Azerbaijan accepts. "This opportunity exists," Oskanian
    said. "The ball is clearly in Azerbaijan's court."

    "Rejecting Azerbaijan's resolution, the international community has
    indicated its support for the negotiating document on the table today which
    has successfully managed to reconcile the two seemingly contradictory
    principles of the Helsinki Final Act -- people's right to self-determination
    and territorial integrity," explained Armenia's Foreign Minister. "This
    document presents a unique opportunity for Azerbaijanis and Armenians to
    move forward. This is precisely what sets the Nagorno Karabakh conflict
    apart in our region and in Europe and makes it sui generis, not only because
    of its legal and historical context, but also because of the innovative
    negotiating approach to finding a realistic, lasting resolution."

    Earlier the same day, had met with the co-chairs of the Minsk Group, who had
    discussed the possibility of the resumption of talks, the UN resolution and
    the situation on the Nagorno Karabakh-Azerbaijan line of contact.