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Serge Sargsyan: I Also Feel Responsibility For The Events Of March 1

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  • Serge Sargsyan: I Also Feel Responsibility For The Events Of March 1

    14.03.2008 11:48

    RA President elect, Prime Minister Serge Sargsyan responded to some
    80 questions of the citizens during a TV interview yesterday.

    "I also feel responsibility for what happened on March 1, since we
    did not manage to prevent. If we did not manage to prevent, then we
    have our share of guilt. But today it's not the level of guilt that
    we must think about, although it is also extremely important. Today
    we must think how to eliminate the consequences of the tragedy," RA
    President elect, Prime Minister Serge Sargsyan said in response to
    the question whether he feels responsibility for the events of March 1.

    "I'm in peace with my conscience, but my conscience is troubled,
    because the situation in the country is tense, because many people
    are disposed against each other despite their will. However, there
    are people in our country, whose conscience is calm. For instance,
    in the morning of March 2nd Levon Ter-Petrosyan called to people and
    said he had never slept so peacefully," Serge Sargsyan said.

    The President elect noted that there was no decision to disperse
    the participants of the sitting strike in the Liberty Square. He
    added that it should be clear to everyone that everything that the
    Prosecutor or the Police declare and everything that will come out as
    a result of the investigation is exact. "We have no desire to conceal
    anything. I'm sure that the Police went not to disperse the rally, but
    to check the existence of weapons. If the Police intended to disperse
    the strikers, it had to foresee a whole chain of arrangements. There
    were no detentions then.

    Tens of policemen were wounded: if the Police were going to disperse
    the rally, then why they had no weapons, no special clothing, no
    helmets, no truncheons," Serge Sargsyan asked.

    The Prime Minister noted that if the strikers did not have the
    wish to collide, they would not have prepared corresponding tools
    in advance. They would allow the Police to check whether there were
    weapons. "I promise that all the materials connected with those events
    will later become the property of the society," Serge Sargsyan said.

    In response to the question about the possible dialogue with Levon
    Ter-Petrosyan, Serge Sargsyan noted that it's definite that the
    polarization must be reduced. "I have never opposed any dialogue,
    but it's clear to everyone that there should be two participants
    of the dialogue. If Levon Ter-Petrosyan is going to insist that he
    was elected President with 65% of the votes and will not accept the
    decision of the Constitutional Court, what kind of dialogue can we
    speak about?" Serge Sarsgayn noted.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress