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Turkish "Aksion" Periodical Encouraged By Levon Ter Petrosian's Retu

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  • Turkish "Aksion" Periodical Encouraged By Levon Ter Petrosian's Retu

    By Hakob Chaqrian

    AZG Armenian Daily


    Some of the Turkey' circles are encouraged by Levon Ter-Petrosian's
    return to politics. Some of the leading Turkish newspapers consider
    his return to be a proper occasion most likely in the issues of
    restoring the diplomatic relations with Armenia, in ceasing the
    international recognition of the Armenian genocide, as well as in
    the pro-Turkish-Azeri settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

    By the end of the presidential elections in Armenia, the Turkish
    newspapers not only accepted the victory of RA PM Serge Sarkisian,
    but also expressed hope that the newly elected president will find
    new approaches for the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict
    and for restoration of diplomatic relations with Turkey.

    The current change of attitude toward Serge Sarkisian is conditioned by
    several factor. Firstly, by the February 21 congratulatory message of
    Turkish President Abdullah Gyul to newly elected RA president Serge
    Sarkisian. Another important reason for the change of attitude is
    Turkish PM Erdoghan's and his party's unfavourable attitude to the
    Turkish "grey wolves" and Zionist circles who are in friendly and
    close relations with Levon Ter-Petrosian and his family.

    Anyway, "Aksion"Turkish weekly again touched upon the post-electoral
    political developments in Armenia and came to noteworthy conclusions.

    According to the weekly, Armenia was at a loss after the February
    19 presidential elections. The supporters of Levon ter-Petrosian who
    didn't accept the victory of Serge Sargisan flooded the streets. The
    newspaper enumerates the loses and the distractions in the streets
    of Yerevan, as well as the number of wounded and dead. It also points
    out the recent clashes at the Armenian-Azeri border and the deaths of
    many soldiers from both sides. The weekly draws the attention to the
    accusations of Serge Sarkisian's government, according to which they
    want to concentrate the attention of the society from inner issues
    to the external ones.

    Even though Levon Ter-Petrosian failed to win the elections, it is
    expected that Sarsgian will contribute to improvement of Armenia's
    relations with Turkey and Azerbaijan. Hasan Kanbolat, expert at the
    Eurasian strategic center, also shares this opinion, adding that
    Sarsgian is more committed to reconciliation in the Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict than his opponents from LTP's team.

    The loser in the presidential elections Levon Ter-Petrosian also began
    commenting on the recent events. In his article for "The Washington
    Press" LTP conditions the tolerance of the West to the disorder in
    Armenia by several reasons. According to him, the most important
    is that "the leaders of Karabakh origin(Kocharian and Sarkisian)
    are able to settle the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. LTP also accuses
    the international observers failing to properly carry out their duties.