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Armenians Lose Obama Advisor; Turks Lose Clinton Fundraiser

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  • Armenians Lose Obama Advisor; Turks Lose Clinton Fundraiser

    By Harut Sassounian

    AZG Armenian Daily

    National Interests

    Samantha Power, the Pulitzer-prize winning author of "A Problem from
    Hell: America and the Age of Genocide," resigned last week from
    her position as an unpaid foreign policy advisor to Presidential
    candidate Barack Obama. She was an influential member of Sen. Obama's
    inner circle.

    Ms. Power's resignation is a major blow to Armenian-Americans who
    counted on her to remind Sen.

    Obama of his pledge to reaffirm the Armenian Genocide, should he
    become President.

    Ms. Power had played an instrumental role in getting Sen. Obama
    to issue a strongly-worded statement on the Armenian Genocide
    and Armenian issues in general. She also made a video in which she
    recounted Sen. Obama's outstanding record on issues of special concern
    to Armenian Americans, including his "very forthright statement on the
    Armenian Genocide; his support for the Senate Resolution acknowledging
    the Genocide; his willingness as President to commemorate it and call a
    'spade a spade'; and to speak the truth about it...."

    Ms. Power, a Harvard professor and Time magazine columnist, was
    forced to resign after the publication of an interview she gave to the
    Scotsman newspaper while she was in Britain to promote her latest book.

    She was quoted as saying that Sen. Obama's Democratic rival,
    Sen. Hillary Clinton, is "a monster." The Scotsman published her
    negative characterization of Sen. Clinton, despite the fact that
    Ms. Power had told the newspaper that this particular remark was
    "off the record."

    The Los Angeles Times reported on March 8 that Ms. Power "had
    previously confided to friends that she had ambitions to one day be
    Secretary of State." Even though her comment about Sen. Clinton caused
    her to lose her key role with the Obama campaign, Armenian-Americans
    hope that she would regain her inner circle status, should Sen. Obama
    be the next President.

    Coincidentally, the Turks also lost last week one of their own --
    a major financial supporter of Sen. Hillary Clinton's presidential

    The Clinton campaign said last week that it would no longer accept
    contributions raised by Mehmet Celebi, a prominent Turkish-American. He
    was listed on Sen.

    Clinton's presidential campaign website as a "Hill-raiser," a
    designation for those who have raised more than $100,000 for her
    White House bid. In addition, Celebi was nominated as a Democratic
    Convention delegate from Illinois by the Clinton campaign.

    Celebi is a partner in a firm, BMH Worldwide, that helped produce
    "Valley of the Wolves: Iraq," an anti-American and anti-Semitic
    Turkish film that depicts a Jewish American doctor who extracts
    organs from Iraqi prisoners and exports them to Israel, England and
    the United States.

    Ann Lewis, senior advisor to the Clinton campaign, told the Jewish
    Telegraphic Agency: "We were unaware of Mr. Celebi's involvement
    in this film and we obviously do not agree with it. He is no longer
    raising money for this campaign."

    Celebi's removal is a major blow to Turkish-Americans, since he is
    one of their important political leaders.

    He is a former Vice-President and Board Member of the American Turkish
    Associations of America (ATAA) and former President of the Turkish
    American Cultural Alliance (Chicago). Not surprisingly, Celebi has
    been a vocal denier of the Armenian Genocide. Just last September,
    he outlined his distorted views of the Armenian Genocide in an opinion
    column published in the Turkish Daily News.

    Now that the Clinton campaign has decided to no longer receive
    contributions raised by Celebi, it must do the right thing by returning
    the funds raised by this controversial individual. It is not proper
    for the Clinton organization to keep the $100,000 Celebi had raised
    and then state that he is no longer associated with the campaign. If
    the Clinton campaign wants to truly disassociate itself from Celebi,
    then it should give back the money he collected for Sen. Clinton's
    presidential bid. Furthermore, Sen. Clinton must cut all ties with
    Celebi by announcing that he is no longer a Democratic Convention
    delegate from the State of Illinois on behalf of the Clinton campaign.

    While both Armenian-Americans and Turkish-Americans lost valuable
    supporters in the respective Obama and Clinton camps, the reasons for
    the departures of Samantha Power and Mehmet Celebi cannot be equated.

    Ms. Power misspoke, apologized and resigned from her important position
    with the Obama campaign. Celebi, on the other hand, has not apologized
    for his role in the scandalous Turkish movie on Iraq. Furthermore,
    the Clinton campaign has not returned the funds raised by Celebi
    and has not removed him from its list of delegates to the Democratic