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ANKARA: Pro-Kurdish Party Reacts To Turkey's Investment Package For

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  • ANKARA: Pro-Kurdish Party Reacts To Turkey's Investment Package For


    NTV Turkey
    March 12 2008

    [Report: "DTP: This Package Will Not Solve the Problem; It is an
    Election Investment"]

    Assessing the government's 12-billion-dollar investment package
    aimed at the Southeast, DTP [Democratic Society Party] Deputy Faction
    Chairman Selahattin Demirtas, declaring this is an election investment,
    has said that "in order to resolve the problem, a change in mentality
    is required."

    DTP Deputy Faction Chairman Selahattin Demirtas held a press conference
    together with DTP parliamentary deputies at the Parliament on the
    occasion of the 37th anniversary of the 12 March [1971 coup by]
    military memorandum, as well as the 13th anniversary of the incidents
    that took place in the Gazi Quarter of Istanbul [in which 22 people
    were killed by police in unrest by Alevis.] Asserting that democracy
    is only weakened by intervention by forces outside of politics and by
    violent suppression of social opposition, Demirtas said: "The process
    of coups d'etat has, unfortunately, by strengthening militaristic,
    chauvinistic, and nationalistic tendencies, brought them to the point
    of threatening the social peace."

    Demirtas, charging that the trial process related to the Gazi incidents
    "has turned into a scandal," said that because events of this type
    have not been elucidated, there have been efforts made during various
    periods for similar provocations to be staged.

    Demirtas claimed that if the Kahramanmaras, Corum, and Sivas incidents
    [of massacres of Alevis] had been cleared up, the Gazi incidents would
    not have taken place, and that if these [latter] had been cleared up,
    then the Semdinli [bombing], the later attack on the Council of State,
    and the killing of [Armenian journalist] Hrant Dink would likewise
    not have occurred.

    Demirtas said: "If Turkey, on its way into the EU, does not want to
    experience painful incidents of this sort any longer, it must face
    its past, and come to terms with it. We can turn a new page, which
    would also entail a solution of the Kurdish issue, only in this way."

    Meanwhile, DTP Parliamentarian Gulten Kisanak stated that she is today
    going to present to the Speakership of the TBMM [Turkish Grand National
    Assembly] motions for the opening of a Parliamentary Investigation in
    order to investigate the Gazi incidents and reveal the forces behind
    those who initiated the incidents.

    Problem Will Be Solved Via Change in Mentality

    Responding to questions from journalists, Selahattin Demirtas said
    the following in response to a question about the government's
    12-billion-dollar investment package: "Everything positive that is
    done will contribute, even if only a little, to solving the problem.

    But in order for the problem to be solved, a change in mentality is
    needed, and this does not come out of packages. The creation of a
    nation based on a single language, a single religion, and a single
    ethnicity is the basis of the Kurdish issue. The Kurdish issue
    cannot be solved with factories, or with broadcasts in Kurdish on
    TRT [Turkish Radio and Television]; it will be seen that, when the
    mentality changes, the problem will be resolved without a need for
    packages. The things announced in the package are in fact investments
    for the local elections."

    No Response From Prime Minister

    Demirtas stated that his meetings with President Abdullah Gul and
    TBMM Speaker Koksal Toptan are occurring coincidentally during the
    same period in which the process involving the closure of the DTP
    is underway.

    Stating that no official response has yet come from Prime Minister
    Recep Tayyip Erdogan to his request for a meeting, Demirtas said that
    there is no question of an official meeting with Minister of State and
    Deputy Prime Minister Cemil Cicek, and that it is only natural that
    Cicek and DTP parliamentary deputies have chatted among the corridors.

    Demirtas stated the following regarding his meetings with President
    Gul: "There is nothing that has not been revealed. The authority
    to reveal what we discussed lies with him. Because he is everyone's
    President, he also met with us. And we explained our intentions. We
    did not go with any concrete project or dossier. They were meetings
    in which sensitivities regarding the process underway were shared."