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Propaganda Terror - Not Something New

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  • Propaganda Terror - Not Something New

    Lilit Poghosyan

    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    March 14, 2008

    As we know, under the March 1 decree on imposing a state of emergency
    in the town of Yerevan, President Robert Kocharyan has, along with
    other temporary restrictions, "narrowed' the scope of the activity
    of the media to a certain extent, prohibiting to disseminate false
    "information" aimed at destabilizing the situation and arbitrary
    "political analyses".

    In accordance with the above mentioned, it was particularly prescribed
    that the information on state and internal political issues should
    be presented in a "pure" form, i.e. in the form of official reports,
    without individual comments.

    In response to the questions of the journalists, the President promised
    the previous day to review the relevant clause of the decree. "In the
    framework of the state of emergency, it is prescribed what publications
    concerning the internal political situation may be available. The new
    decree will prescribe the things that are not allowed to do. And the
    restrictions will only apply to the dissemination of provocative and
    obviously false information," the President said.

    Considering that no incidents and violations were observed
    in connection with the legal regime of the state of emergency,
    R. Kocharyan yesterday signed a new decree (as he had promised) on
    introducing changes in the decree issued on March 1. Accordingly,
    the clause restricting the activity of the media is reworded in the
    following manner, "The mass media are prohibited from publishing
    and disseminating obviously false information, concerning state
    and internal political issues, or any other information aimed at
    destabilizing the situation, as well as calls for participating in
    unauthorized (unlawful) events".

    Time will show to what extent such "mitigation" will contribute to
    stabilizing the situation, and to what extent it will allow us to
    resist the goal-oriented lie and fraud with the help of which the
    propaganda machine of the Armenian Pan-National Movement consistently
    and persistently poisoned the people for several years continuously,
    sowing total intolerance, hatred and hostility in relation to the
    authorities and dissidents in general.

    One thing is clear: the "March 1" events wouldn't have happened had
    the authorities tried to call to order the professional falsifiers
    who were engaged in "propaganda diversion" against the state under
    the cover of freedom of speech, who represented gossips and rumors as
    100 percent "reliable information", their own desires - as "analysis"
    and the fruits of their own morbid fantasy - as "political prediction".

    Was it necessary to declare a state of emergency in the country so as
    the media would be offered to mind their own business at last? That's
    to say, to present true information to the public with regard to the
    developments taking place in the country, to have an elementary sense
    of responsibility, not to tell lies or defame people and to refrain
    from turning the events upside down.

    After all, the pro-Levon propaganda terror, which intensified after the
    elections and, having reached its peak as a results of the incessant
    brainwashing continued in Theatrical Square for 9 days, surged a wave
    of mass psychosis and developed into a "spontaneous massive violence",
    is not something new.

    The organized misinformation campaign has always accompanied us after
    the 1998 shift of power. The propaganda of hatred, as a political
    category, i.e. a tool and a factor of a political confrontation,
    became fantastically active after the "October 27" acts, continuously
    polluting the atmosphere of public confrontation with the poisonous
    manifestations of mutual distrust, suspicion and spite. And today,
    it is doing its dirty business from the "underground", ignoring the
    restrictions envisaged by the regime of the state of emergency.

    Isn't it accounted for by the fact that instead of subjecting
    the liars to liability and thus contributing to the formation of
    'liability institutions', the law enforcement agencies ignored, for
    several years, the obvious misinformation circulating in the press
    supporting the Armenian Pan-National Movement and the unfounded
    accusations addressed to different people?