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The European Parliament Indicates Crisis Agenda for Armenia

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  • The European Parliament Indicates Crisis Agenda for Armenia

    Press Release
    for Justice and Democracy
    Avenue de la Renaissance 10
    B-1000 Bruxelles
    Tel/ Fax: +32 2 732 70 27/26
    Website :Eafjd

    March 14, 2008


    The MEPs adopted a critical but concurrent urgent resolution
    concerning the crisis in Armenia

    Strasburg - France - The European Parliament adopted an urgent
    resolution yesterday on the situation which prevails in Armenia since
    the State of emergency was instituted after the presidential
    elections of February 19th, 2008.

    By this resolution, the European Parliament `expresses its concern at
    recent developments that have taken place in Armenia, with the
    violent police crackdown on opposition demonstrations'. The
    Parliament `calls for a prompt, thorough, transparent, independent
    and impartial investigation of the events' and `calls on the Council
    and the Commission to offer EU assistance to the Armenian authorities
    for such an investigation'.

    The Commissioner Louis Michel intervened on behalf of the European
    Commission and answered Parliament's requests by giving Armenia EU
    assistance in the field of police and judiciary cooperation.
    Referring to the European Neighbourhood Policy, the Commissioner
    qualified the balance of Armenia as being `more and more positive'.
    He also added that a third of the European cooperation budget granted
    to Armenia is dedicated to reform its judicial system.

    In an obvious show of appeasement, the resolution also calls on the
    Armenian authorities to `lift the State of emergency, mitigated by a
    presidential decree on 10 March 2008' and `take all measures
    necessary to ensure the return to normality'. The European Parliament
    also supports the EU special representatives and OSCE in their
    efforts to `facilitate dialogue between the political forces and to
    investigate the possibilities to resolve the political crisis in

    An amendment which was tabled by the EPP group (European Popular
    Party- Christian Democrats) and adopted in plenary session by the
    whole of the MEPs mentioned the difficult situation in the South
    Caucasus because of the blockade imposed by Turkey, which `threatens
    Armenia's economy and the regional stability'. Moreover, referring to
    the recent attacks led by Azerbaijan thanks to the internal disrupted
    situation in Armenia, the resolution regrets the loss of life during
    the attacks and `calls on all sides to return to the negotiation

    `We welcome the European Parliament's fair and balanced reaction
    regarding the regrettable developments which occurred in Armenia.
    This resolution proves that Europe has the sincere will to help
    Armenia to overcome its current difficulties, and we think that, by
    its repercussions in Armenia, it will be useful to reach the
    objective', declared Hilda Tchoboian, the chairperson of the European
    Armenian Federation.

    `After 70 years of totalitarian regime, Armenia has been developing a
    system of democracy for only 17 years. We are convinced that these
    deplorable events must be seen in this context: a normal growth
    crisis of this young Republic's evolution towards a State of Law. The
    authorities and the opposition have to draw the right conclusions
    from this crisis in order to work for a progressive and reinforced
    democratisation', concluded Hilda Tchoboian.