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US Reps call for parity in military aid to Armenia and Azerbaijan

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  • US Reps call for parity in military aid to Armenia and Azerbaijan


    U.S. Congressmen call for parity in military aid to
    Armenia and Azerbaijan
    14.03.2008 16:47 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ In a hearing before the State, Foreign Operations
    Appropriations Subcommittee in the House of Representatives, lawmakers
    raised a series of concerns regarding the Administration's FY 2009
    budget proposal for Armenia. Congressmen Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Joe
    Knollenberg (R-MI) raised pointed questions regarding the
    Administration's proposal to provide Azerbaijan with increased
    military funding over Armenia, reported the Armenian Assembly of

    Schiff asked Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice how the U.S. can
    justify providing Azerbaijan $900,000 versus only $300,000 for Armenia
    in Military Education and Training (IMET) assistance. He specifically
    cited Azerbaijan's ongoing war rhetoric and large increases in
    military spending as reason against favoring Baku over Yerevan with
    additional security funding.

    Azeri President Ilham Aliyev recently proclaimed that "Armenia did not
    win the war. The war is not over. Only the first stage of the war has
    been completed." He added that Nagorno Karabakh will never be

    Knollenberg said it is "not just the rhetoric [from Azerbaijan] but
    the threat of war," that is most troubling. He said Azerbaijan's
    recent cease fire violations were the worst in 10 years, adding that
    the U.S. should consider discontinuing military funding to Azerbaijan

    "We should either take away military funding to Azerbaijan or threaten
    to stop it as long as they are threatening Armenia," Knollenberg said,
    explaining that it is now time to take drastic steps. Knollenberg,
    along with Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), also
    issued a strong statement regarding Azerbaijan's ceasefire violations.

    In separate responses to the lawmakers, Secretary Rice said the
    Administration believes that the request levels for Armenia and
    Azerbaijan are appropriate. Noting concerns with the recent state of
    emergency in Armenia, Rice also made reference to the suspension of
    some U.S. assistance programs to Armenia, and indicated that the
    Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) funding could be put at jeopardy.

    "During this critical time, the U.S. should do more to help Armenia's
    democratic institutions," said Knollenberg, Co-Chair of the Armenian

    Congressman Schiff added, "The Administration's justification for
    reduced aid to Armenia is not a solution."

    The Administration's budget slashed funding to Armenia by nearly 60
    percent from $58.5 million in FY 2008 to a proposed level of $24
    million in FY 2009. The budget request also called for more military
    funding for Azerbaijan; a clear breach of the agreement reached with
    Congress in 2001 regarding military parity for both countries.
    Executive Director Bryan Ardouny thanked Congressmen Schiff and
    Knollenberg for raising strong concerns with the Administration's
    spending plan with Secretary Rice

    "We thank both lawmakers for their leadership on this important
    issue. Providing asymmetrical military assistance to Azerbaijan
    violates the will of Congress, subverts the short- and long-term U.S.
    policy goals for the South Caucasus region, and will only serve to
    legitimize Azerbaijan's ongoing blockades against Armenia and
    Karabakh," Ardouny added.