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OSCE MG: UN Res on NK by does not reflect all approaches to conflict

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  • OSCE MG: UN Res on NK by does not reflect all approaches to conflict

    OSCE MG Co-chairs say resolution on Nagorny Karabakh initiated by
    Azerbaijan does not reflect all approaches to Karabakh conflict

    2008-03-15 13:43:00

    ArmInfo. Speaking on behalf of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs, US
    representative Alexandro Wolf said that the Russian Federation, France,
    and the United States of America, as the Co-Chair countries of the
    Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe's Minsk Group do
    not support the resolution of nagorny Karabakh initiated by Azerbaijan,
    UN official web-site reports.

    The Co-chairs say the resolution on Nagorny Karabakh initiated by
    Azerbaijan does not reflect all the approaches to Karabakh conflict
    settlement submitted by the Minsk Group as 'a balanced package' in
    2007. A. Wolf said that unfortunately, the resolution reflects just
    part of these principles and omits the other part. In connection with
    such a selective approach, the three OSCE MG co-chair countries have to
    oppose that unilateral document, A. Wolf said. Nevertheless, On Friday
    March 14, the United Nations General Assembly voted on a draft
    resolution introduced by Azerbaijan.

    The OSCE Minsk Group Co-chair countries - US, France and the Russian
    Federation - voted against the resolution as did Armenia and a few
    other countries. Over 150 countries abstained or did not vote. Only 39
    countries supported the resolution. As the UN official site reports,
    the Resolution expresses a serious concern over the fact that the armed
    conflict in the Azerbaijani Republic's Nagorno Karabakh region and
    around it keeps on threating the international world and security and
    negatively affects the umanitarian situation in the South Caucasus
    countries. The General Assembly calls on the member-states to respect
    and support the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan
    within its internationally-recognized borders. The General Assembly
    claims once again that no state should recognize the situation,
    developed as a result of occupation of AR territories, legal and should
    not contribute to or promote preservation of this situation, the
    Resolution reads. It emphasizes the necessity of immediate, complete
    and unconditional withdrawal of all the Armenian forces from all the
    occupied territories of Azerbaijani Republic. The Resolution confirms
    the unalienable right of the population, expelled from the occupied
    territories of AR, for return to their houses and emphasizes the
    necessity of creating appropriate conditions for this return, including
    an overall rehabilitation of the territories, suffered from the
    conflict. The Resolution was passed within the frames of the similar
    item on the agenda of the 62nd session of UN General Assembly.