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Events cast shadow on durability of Armenian democracy, Beyza thinks

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  • Events cast shadow on durability of Armenian democracy, Beyza thinks

    Events in Yerevan cast shadow on durability of Armenian democracy,
    Matthew Beyza thinks

    2008-03-15 17:51:00

    ArmInfo. Latest events in Yerevan cast shadow on durability of Armenian
    democracy, American co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group Matthew Bryza said
    in an interview with Voice of America.

    When commenting on disorders in Yerevan and introduction of the state
    of emergency, Bryza said what happened in Armenia is a tragedy as
    people died. It is a serious blow at democracy and may be watched as
    revolution or a serious public collision. Presidential election came to
    the line of a normal process and it does not matter how we shall call
    them, Bryza said and added that the most important is that Armenia and
    America have to work together and progressive development of democracy
    should be provided for it. Asked what should be done to rise the role
    of the USA in the South Caucasus region, in particular in Armenia,
    Bryza replied that Armenia has always had close relations with Russia.
    Russian companies invested much in Armenia though it is not so much
    important. The most important is devotion of Armenia and America to
    strategic values and interests, the most important of which is
    democracy. Armenia was quite successful in democracy, for this reason
    it was let to take part in Millennium Challenges American programme.
    But the latest events cast shadow on durability of the Armenian
    democracy. We call on the Armenian government to restore freedom of
    press, to cancel the state of emergency and to start a wide-scaled
    dialogue with the society, the American diplomat said.