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DM Michael Harutyunyan met with OSCE representatives

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  • DM Michael Harutyunyan met with OSCE representatives

    DM Michael Harutyunyan met with OSCE representatives
    15.03.2008 14:31

    RA Defense Minister Michael Harutyunyan met with the Head of the OSCE
    Office in Armenia, Ambassador Serrgey Kapinos accompanied by Adviser of
    the OSCE/ODIHR on Human Rights Robert Robert-Jan Uhl and
    representatives of the OSCE Office.

    The gusts wished to get information about the role ascribed to RA Armed
    Forces in the post-election developments underway in the country.
    Minister Harutyunyan informed that according to Article 3 of RA
    President's decree on Declaring a State of Emergency, ensuring the
    state of emergency is the task of RA Police and RA Ministry of Defense.
    The Minister noted that there have been no violations of the state of
    emergency during the past 15 days. He stated that the role of the Army
    under the conditions of the state of emergency is restricted to
    defending objects of special importance.

    The interlocutors also turned to the situation at the line of contact
    between the Armed Forces of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic and
    Azerbaijan. The Head of the OSCE Office expressed concern on that
    occasion and informed that he reported to the OSCE Office in Vienna
    about the latest events.

    During the meeting Michael Harutyunyan gave exhaustive clarifications
    to various questions of the guests.

    Connected with the domestic political developments in Armenia,
    Ambassador Kapinos informed that the OSCE intends to continue
    demonstrating a balanced approach, referring to the call of the OSCE
    Chairman-in-Office to the authorities and the opposition of Armenia,
    which envisages normalization of relations exceptionally via political