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A New Outlook?

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  • A New Outlook?

    Published on The Cornell Daily Sun

    A New Outlook?
    By Rob Coniglio
    Created Mar 16 2008 - 12:20am

    Since its founding after World War I, the Turkish state has had a
    clouded history with the integration of minorities. Founded out of the
    multi-cultural Ottoman Empire, Turkey forged an ethnic identity that
    came into conflict with Greek and Armenian residents of the Anatolian
    Peninsula. The conflict with the Armenians is often referred to as
    genocide, though the Turkish government steadfastly refuses to
    characterize it that way. Kurds are spread across the Middle East;
    they live in Turkey, Iran, and Iraq. The Turkish Kurds have had the
    most sustained conflict with their government. The Kurdistan Worker's
    Party (PKK) has been fighting since the 1970's and in general, the
    Kurdsin Turkey have faced legislation that discriminates against
    them. For one, Kurdish language has been severely restricted over the
    years. With the newfound autonomy of Kurds in Iraq, the Turkish
    government has had to confront the possibility of a strengthening
    separatist feeling and the possibility of an independent
    Kurdistan. Such fears and increased PKK activity have lead to Turkish
    military action in Iraqi Kurdistan. It seems, however, that the
    Turkish government realizes the importance of integrating Kurds and
    has _adopted more forward-looking policies_
    ( /europe/12turkey.html?ref=3Dworld)

    Then there is the question of the EU. Turkey has wanted to become an
    EU member for quite some time but unfortunately, due to anti-Turkish
    feeling in Europe, roadblock after roadblock have been put up to block
    Turkey's accession.

    Some have been legitimate, including the EU's demand to loosen
    restrictions on freedom of speech and better incorporate the Kurdish
    minority. Other times, EU members are stalling because they feel
    uncomfortable allowing a Muslim country into `Europe.' It is good then
    that Turkey is taking the policy-based EU objections seriously,
    finally moving to offer an alternative to insurgency to the Kurds by
    expanding economic investment and cultural empowerment. Though these
    polices may result from necessity, they are signs of progress.

    Progress in Turkey has not been based in the secular elite. Instead,
    it has come from the Justice and Development Party, Turkey's Muslim
    version of Europe' s Christian Democratic Parties. Given the paradigm
    that we live in, it is ironic that the force behind modernization and
    opening are the forces of political Islam. Granted, it is an extremely
    moderate form, but the Justice and Development Party should remind us
    that we do not live in a black and white world of `us versus them.'
    Turkish reforms should give us hope for the future, and reinforce our
    confidence in a westward-looking Turkey, even if it is one led by

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress