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Azerbaijani party unhappy for India's position in UN

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  • Azerbaijani party unhappy for India's position in UN

    Azerbaijani party unhappy for India's position in UN

    2008-03-15 17:48:00

    ArmInfo. 'Azerbaijani Embassy worked much with the Indian party for the
    latter at least to abstain when voting on the Karabakh conflict in UN',
    - Azerbaijan's Ambassador to India Tamerlan Karayev said when
    commenting on the voting results on draft resolution on Karabakh
    conflict in UN where India voted "against".

    As reports, he also added that India did not listen to the
    view of Baku. Karayev also said they had big plans regarding the
    bilateral relations but by its yesterday's step India broke everything.
    'At present Azerbaijani Embassy in Delhi is waiting for certain
    instructions from Foreign Ministry, after which we shall officially
    present our position to the Indian party', - Karayev said. He also
    added that the Azerbaijani party is unhappy for India's position in UN.
    'It will seriously affect the Azerbaijani-Indian further relations', -
    the ambassador said.