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BAKU: UN GA adopts res. recognizing Azerbaijan territorial integrity

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  • BAKU: UN GA adopts res. recognizing Azerbaijan territorial integrity

    Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
    March 15 2008

    UN General Assembly adopts resolution recognizing Azerbaijan's
    territorial integrity and demanding Armenian forces' withdrawal from
    occupied territories

    [ 15 Mar 2008 13:00 ]

    Washington. Husniyya Hasanova - APA. Draft resolution `Situation in
    the occupied Azerbaijani territories' was discussed within the
    framework of the 62nd session of the UN General Assembly on March 14.

    APA's US bureau reports that the discussions started with speech of
    Azerbaijan's ambassador to UN Agshin Mehdiyev. He said that Nagorno
    Karabakh had historically belonged to Azerbaijan, considered
    motherland of our ancestors Christian Albans from the 4th century
    till the Middle Ages, beginning from the 7th century Azerbaijani
    people converted to Islam, but Nagorno Karabakh Albans remained
    Christians. He stated that Ibrahim khan Karabakhli signed a treaty in
    1805 and Nagorno Karabakh was annexed to Russia. The ambassador said
    the Armenians had come to the region after that. He mentioned that
    Alban patriarchate was abolished by Russians and their properties
    were given to Armenian churches in 1836. In 1936 Azerbaijan declared
    its independence and yielded the town of Irevan to Armenia basing on
    its friendship policy with the country. According to ambassador,
    beginning from 1987 Azerbaijanis were deported from Armenia, 220
    Azerbaijanis were killed, over 1100 were wounded and 250,000 people
    were displaced. He said separatism in Nagorno Karabakh had been
    supported by Armenia and the decision passed by Armenian parliament
    in 1989 on unification with Nagorno Karabakh proved this.
    `Later, Armenia with the help of foreign military units and terrorist
    groups occupied Nagorno Karabakh and seven regions adjacent to it. It
    was accompanied by ethnic cleansing policy, as a result of which, one
    million people were displaced,' he said.
    The ambassador said Armenians' policy was also condemned by the UN
    and mentioned the adoption of four UN resolutions, which demanded the
    immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of forces from the
    occupied territories.
    Agshin Mehdiyev said in 1996 OSCE Lisbon Summit made a statement on
    the principles for the settlement of the conflict between Armenia and
    Azerbaijan, which included the territorial integrity of the countries
    and legal status of Nagorno Karabakh defined in an agreement based on
    self-determination which confers on Nagorno Karabakh the highest
    degree of self-rule within Azerbaijan. The ambassador said it had
    been supported by all (53) members of OSCE except Armenia.
    `But Armenians illegally settle people in the occupied territories,
    plunder the territory's natural resources with the help of foreign
    companies and destroy all historical monuments of Azerbaijan. In 2004
    OSCE fact-finding mission visited the region in connection with the
    facts of illegal settlement of Armenians in the occupied territories.
    The mission proved that Armenians had settled illegally and warned
    the opposite side against such cases,' he said.
    The ambassador said the provocation of Armenians on March 4 led to
    the casualties from both sides.
    `The Armenians' provocation aimed at diverting the attention of the
    people from the political crisis in the country. Unfortunately, using
    military force has become one of the main methods of Armenia's
    domestic and foreign policy,' he said.
    Agshin Mehdiyev said Azerbaijan's territorial integrity was out of
    discussion, and underlined that illegal units should be withdrawn
    from the territories in order to establish peace and achieve return
    of local people. Agshin Mehdiyev especially noted that discussion of
    Nagorno Karabakh in the UN did not mean that Azerbaijan refused the
    current format of negotiations.
    `Discussion of the issue in the General Assembly aims at
    demonstrating commitment to the core principles ensuring the
    settlement of the conflict, showing support to the mediators and
    getting more productive results,' he said.
    The ambassador said the mediators wanted to find the solution
    ensuring the interests of both sides.
    `But in order to reach this goal the sides should base on the same
    principles. Azerbaijan bases on the international legal norms and
    will carry out negotiations basing on them. The principle of
    self-determination should not contradict the principle of territorial
    integrity,' the ambassador said.
    Mehdiyev expressed his anxiety that OSCE MG co-chairs had not proper
    proposals. Ambassador noted that the state had not right to sacrifice
    the territorial integrity to protect co-chairs neutral position and
    made strict statement on it.
    `Co-chairs spoke about neutralism during the negotiations on Nagorno
    Karabakh. But this neutralism is not a position. On the contrary,
    this is a good pretext to avoid from concrete political position. We
    asked to obey international law. If the international law is
    violated, there will not be neutralism,' he said.
    Slovenian representative made a statement on the behalf of EU and
    stated that Azerbaijan has right to raise any issue in UN. He
    stressed that Nagorno Karabakh conflict should be solved within OSCE
    MG.US representative speaking on the behalf of co-chairs stated that
    core principles were presented to the conflict parties for the
    solution to the conflict in the assembly of OSCE in Madrid in
    November, 2007. Diplomat noted that those proposals were item for the
    negotiations between Azerbaijan and Armenia. US representative noted
    that resolution presented by Azerbaijan covered only one part of
    co-chairs' proposals. He stated that co-chairs would not support the
    document raised in General Assembly. Diplomat stressed that they
    recognized the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and did not accept
    the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh.
    Pakistani representative spoke on the behalf of Organization of
    Islamic Conference. He stated that they supported Azerbaijan's
    position and noted that there were one million people exiled from
    their lands as a result of aggressive policy pursued by Armenia and
    stressed that Azerbaijani religious, historical heritage was ruined
    in Nagorno Karabakh. He noted that OIC condemned aggressive policy of
    Armenia every time and called members of organization to vote for
    resolution . Uganda representative stated that Azerbaijanis are the
    victim of the war and noted that they support them. Turkish and
    Ukrainian representatives stated the same position.
    Armenian ambassador to UN Armen Martirosyan noted that official Baku
    caused damage to negotiations raising the resolution in UN. He
    protested position of Ukrainian, Turkish and OIC representatives.
    Irrespective of this, 39 states voted for the document, 7 sates voted
    against it. 100 states took neutral position. The states against
    resolution were Russia, US, France, India, Angola and Vanuatu.
    The reolution adopted by UN General Assembly says:
    1. General Assembly respected for sovereignty of Azerbaijan and
    recognized its territorial integrity within borders adopted by
    international laws.
    2. General Assembly demands withdrawal of Armenian military forces
    from occupied lands urgently, completely and undoubtedly.
    3. General Assembly recognizes the right on returning the population
    to their lands and paying compensation to them.
    4. General Assembly supports to ensure security of Azerbaijani and
    Armenian Communities of Nagorno Karabakh and provide condition for
    their activity.
    5. General assembly supports the activity of OSCE MG co-chairs within
    international legal norms and wished them to increase efforts to gain
    the peace.
    6. General Assembly asked for UN General Secretary to make a report
    about execution of resolution on situation in Azerbaijani occupied
    lands in 63rd session.