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BAKU: What will be consequences of UN GA's resolution for Armenia?

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  • BAKU: What will be consequences of UN GA's resolution for Armenia?

    Today, Azerbaijan
    March 15 2008

    What will be the consequences of the UN General Assembly's resolution
    for Armenia?

    15 March 2008 [13:49] - Today.Az

    A good face on things

    It is put by various officials of Armenia after the next diplomatic
    defeat of Yerevan, reflected expressively in the resolution of the UN
    General Assembly.

    But this face would seem too miserable, especially in the eyes of
    Armenians, as the recent events in Armenia show that fewer citizens
    of Armenia now trust the false statements of the Karabakh dynasty
    leaders that Armenia's positions are strengthening in the world and
    the the so called "Nagorno Karabakh Republic" will soon be
    recognized. There is a great difference between the statements of the
    representatives of official Yerevan and objective reality.

    Following ancient Athenians

    As is known from history, ancient Athenians gave decent softer names
    to some things, to hide their undesired nature. For example,
    dissolute women were called friends, taxes - fees, garrisons in the
    cities-guards and jail-lodging.

    Millenniums have passed and now we will witness how the working
    leaders of Armenia will take to the actions, probed by ancient
    Athenians. They would need to hide their diplomatic shame, their
    political nakedness and helplessness before their own people, who see
    that Karabakh dynasty, which usurped powers in the country, has been
    hit by the international community, which does not intend to
    recognize the independence of the so-called "Nagorno Karabakh
    Republic" but recognizes the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

    Naturally, after this shame, Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan
    Oskanyan, who has recently undertaken the duties of the spokesman of
    Armenian Defense Ministry and reporting about the state on the
    contact front line, will give decent and softer names to the results
    of resolutions of both UN General Assembly and other ones to be
    adopted in the future, which prove that the world community will
    never recognize independence of the so called "Nagorno Karabakh

    It will take long to Armenian Foreign Minister to choose words to
    hide the mistake of the way the Karabakh dynasty has chosen for the
    Armenian people. This is a way to nowhere, to constant isolation of
    Armenia and its transformation of an eternal satellite of any
    superstate, to the outport of Russia in the Caucasus and not to the
    happy friendly relations with all its neighbors. This way is a way to
    creation of a zombie society which is used to see an enemy not a
    friend in its neighbors. This is a way which adheres to the principle
    "those who are not with us are against us" which has already led to
    the split of the Armenian community, to victims among civilians, who
    were blamed for their striving to choose their fate and not to
    empower it to those who tries to strengthen their powers by means of
    bloodshed of Azerbaijani and Armenian people, to use the country as
    their own property.

    Representatives of official Yerevan will have to try hard to prove
    the effectiveness of fairness of thesis of Armenian ex-president
    Levon Ter-Petrosyan who said: "Azerbaijan's rhetorics is stiffening
    and they will not make any concessions after that". The
    representatives of the Karabakh dynasty will have to choose words to
    rebut Ter-Petrosyan's words, which are true in the opinion of patriot
    Armenians and full of bitter sorrow. He said more than once that "the
    biggest crime committed by the working powers of Armenia is that
    within the last 10 years the process of Nagorno Karabakh conflict
    settlement has been brought almost to deadlock.

    The resolution of the UN General Assembly is not only the
    demonstration of strength of Azerbaijan's positions in the world but
    also a defeat of the Karabakh dynasty and another trump in the hands
    of Armenia's ex-president Levon Ter-Petrosyan.

    I do not exclude that the Karabakh dynasty was ready for such a
    final. If so, the violence against peaceful protesters in Yerevan,
    application of emergency state and censorship, as well as provocation
    on the front line form the logic of their actions. It is easy to
    predict the consequences of the adopted resolution in case mass
    protests in Yerevan continue. The primitively thinking Karabakh
    dynasty decided to shed blood of their citizens, in an attempt to
    create a climate of fear and protect itself from the further
    resistance of those who fight for their rights.

    This criminal regime applied censorship in a hope that Armenia's mass
    media would not be able to assess the next diplomatic fiasco of the
    Karabakh dynasty. Arrests of those who could have opened the eyes of
    the Armenian community on the real situation continue and provocation
    was arranged on the front line to distract the Armenian community
    from internal problems under the slogan of a threat of losing

    I am sure that the representatives of this criminal regime will again
    try to persuade their people saying that all three countries, joining
    the OSCE Minsk Group have voted against the resolution. They will try
    to prove it to be "a support of Armenia" by the leading countries of
    the world.

    But this will be a next lie, as all countries, including United
    States, Russia and France officially recognize the territorial
    integrity of Azerbaijan and do not recognize the so called "Nagorno
    Karabakh Republic".

    These are facts and not a fantasy, used by official Yerevan. This is
    a reality. The reality, which is not accepted by Karabakh dynasty,
    usurping power in Armenia and preferring to put a good face on things
    and not to make steps on the fair resolution of Armenian-Azerbaijani
    conflict, striving for its own welfare by means of shedding blood of
    its own citizens.
