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BAKU: Adoption of UN GA Res. should become serious msg for Armenia

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  • BAKU: Adoption of UN GA Res. should become serious msg for Armenia

    Today, Azerbaijan
    March 15 2008

    Araz Azimov: "Adoption of the resolution by UN General Assembly
    should become a serious message for Armenia and a serious warning for
    the co-chairs"

    15 March 2008 [15:37] - Today.Az

    "We have already been informed that the resolution, reflecting basic
    principles of the conflict settlement and presented by Azerbaijan,
    was adopted at a session of the UN General Assembly in New York".

    The due announcement was made by Araz Azimov, deputy Foreign Minister
    of Azerbaijan.

    He said 39 countries attending the session voted for Azerbaijan, 7
    against and 100 abstained from voting.

    "Our opinion on the issue is positive. We consider that a document of
    utmost importance has been adopted".

    He said during adoption of the resolution, its discussion and
    throughout the whole campaign Azerbaijan faced sharp resistance.

    "It came not only from Armenia. Armenia was supported by the
    co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group including the United States, Russia
    and France and they worked hard to make positions of other countries
    closer to theirs. Position of these three countries seemed so
    miserable when they were supported only by a small island state
    Vanuatu, which perhaps does not know the location of Armenia and
    Azerbaijan. Among the states, which voted against the resolution,
    there was such a large state as India. But we do hope that next time
    India will change its position basing on principles of international
    law", he said.

    He called on the Azerbaijani people not to be frustrated by results
    of voting.

    "I will cite an example. Each year Cuba presents its resolution
    against the United States under which the United States keep this
    country in economic isolation, to the UN. Several years ago the
    resolution was supported by only 40 countries and over 120 countries
    abstained from voting. Now Cuba managed to get support of 184

    He voiced hope that next year we will not have a reason to promote
    this resolution in the UN.

    "Until Azerbaijani lands are under occupation, Azerbaijan will do
    everything possible and no one will be able to make us give up this
    way. Yesterday's voting proved that".
    According to him Azerbaijan has always made everything possible for
    continuation of discussions and will do it in the future as well.

    "The resolution also supported the activity of the Minsk Group. This
    indicates the fact that Azerbaijan, which is the only author of this
    resolution, by introducing the paragraph on support to Minsk group's
    efforts, has demonstrated its position on the issue", Araz Azimov

    He said the world community has stated its position on the issue and
    Armenia should realize that there are definite principles and norms.
    "This resolution was timely", said Azimov.

    He said the recent deterioration of the state on the front line
    proved that the Armenian leadership made use of the old famous
    example-violation of ceasefire-after the political situation in the
    country complicated.

    "Adoption of the resolution by UN General Assembly should become a
    serious message for Armenia and a serious warning for the co-chairs
    that we will not move in a dark direction. We want clarity which is
    possible only within the territorial integrity", said Azimov.

    He noted that the activity of the OSCE Minsk Group should continue on
    basis of the UN resolution, adopted yesterday.

