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RA MFA: Azerbaijan Ostentatiously Laughed At OSCE Minsk Group Positi

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  • RA MFA: Azerbaijan Ostentatiously Laughed At OSCE Minsk Group Positi


    DeFacto Agency
    March 17 2008

    YEREVAN, 17.03.08. DE FACTO. March 14 the U. N. General Assembly
    voted for the resolution presented by Azerbaijan. The document is
    targeted at ensuring international support to the Karabakh issue's
    Azerbaijani interpretation, the RA MFA Press Office reports.

    The RA MFA commentary runs, in part, "the OSCE co-chairing countries
    - the U. S., France and Russia, as well as Armenia and some other
    countries voted against this draft resolution. About 150 countries
    refrained and only 39 countries supported the resolution. These
    countries are either the members of the GUAM or the Organization of
    the Islamic Conference.

    Despite the fact that the resolution, which is not obligatory,
    was adopted by the General Assembly, nevertheless, the rejection of
    Azerbaijan's position on the Karabakh issue is the real indication
    of the international community's sentiments.

    Estimating the results of the voting, the RA FM Vardan Oskanian said,
    "I hope that Azerbaijan has received a clear estimation of the
    international community. Under the guidance of the Co-Chairs the
    majority of the U. N. member countries rejected a unilateral approach".

    According to the Minister Oskanian, the resolution is hypocritical:
    "On the one hand, it tries to misinform, as it contains a provision
    supporting the process within the frames of the OSCE Minsk group. On
    the other hand, Azerbaijan ostentatiously laughed at the position of
    the OSCE MG. The Co-Chairs stated precisely they would not support
    the draft resolution and actually voted against it".

    Early current week in the course of the press conference the Minister
    Oskanian stated that the RA newly elected President Serzh Sargsian was
    ready to meet with Azerbaijan's President at his early convenience,
    naturally, if the Co-Chairs made such a proposal and Azerbaijan granted
    its consent. "Such an opportunity exists", the Minister Oskanian said.

    "Rejecting the resolution presented by Azerbaijan the international
    community reaffirmed its approval of the document on the negotiating
    table, which successfully connects two principles of the Helsinki
    final act, which seem mutually excluding at the first sight - the
    nations' right to self-determination and the principle of territorial
    integrity", the RA FM explained. "This document gives Armenians and
    Azerbaijanis a unique opportunity to move forward. That it the very
    thing, which distinguishes the Karabakh issue from all over conflicts
    in our region and Europe and makes it unique not only from the legal
    and historical viewpoints, but also during the talks targeted at
    finding a realistic decision".

    To note, March 14 the participants of the 62nd session of the
    U. N. General Assembly adopted the resolution "The Position on the
    Occupied Territories of Azerbaijan". 39 voted for the adoption of
    the resolution, 7 against and 100 refrained from voting.